Create line Shapefile with attributetable

2 views (last 30 days)
Jojor on 22 Jun 2023
Answered: Aiswarya on 8 Aug 2023
I'm working with dune morphologies and want to create a shapefile with lines to view in arcmap. The basis from which all the variables have been calculated is a 1576 x 101 raster with the coordinates xr and yr. I was able to create a shapefile but I want to add smoothed and crestO to the attribute table. The structure of the array I'm using is the following:
>> MC.CL
ans =
struct with fields:
Connectivity: 8
ImageSize: [1576 101]
NumObjects: 337
PixelIdxList: {1×337 cell}
smoothed: {1×337 cell}
crestO: {1×337 cell}
I used the PixelIdxList field (structure see below) to get the absolute position of the pixels involved
>> MC.CL.PixelIdxList
ans =
1×337 cell array
Columns 1 through 6
{16×1 double} {49×1 double} {24×1 double} {28×1 double} {15×1 double} {9×1 double}
and used this snippet to get the actual coordinates and to create a shapefile
% get coordinates %
for i=1:MC.CL.NumObjects
crest = struct('Geometry', 'Line', 'NumFeatures', MC.CL.NumObjects, 'Lat', crest.yline, 'Lon', crest.xline);
shapewrite(crest, crest_name);
crest =
1×337 struct array with fields:
How do I add 'smoothed' and 'crestO' to the attribute table? The function documentation wasn't helpful with that, at least not to a beginner.

Answers (1)

Aiswarya on 8 Aug 2023
It is my understanding that you want to add two additional attributes (smoothed and crestO) to the struct array crest. The structure was created with an initial set of fields, but more fields need to be added.
This can be done by creating two new fields and assigning them to the respective cell arrays obtained from MC.CL using the deal function:
[crest(:).smoothed] = deal(MC.CL.smoothed{:});
[crest(:).crestO] = deal(MC.CL.crestO{:});
This will assign each element of the cell to the respective element of the structure array, i.e., crest(1).smoothed will have the first element of MC.CL.smoothed and so on.
I hope this helps.




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