how to connect the detection object

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yasmin ismail
yasmin ismail on 11 Jul 2023
Answered: Image Analyst on 12 Jul 2023
I am biggener in using matlab , i used different filter and thresholding methods but stil discountiuity in object detection as shown in attach imeges
Thus anyone have suggestion to fix this issues, please
Rahul on 11 Jul 2023
Hi Yasmin,
Could you give share more details regarding what exactly is your aim.
According to the photo shared I believe that edge detection methods can detect the inconsistant line.
However, if you want to detect some other objects, exploring the Computer Vision toolbox from Mathworks might help. Computer Vision Toolbox - MATLAB (
yasmin ismail
yasmin ismail on 11 Jul 2023
@Rahul the attached image has marker circle indicate where the discontiuity, the crack should be contioues as original image but I tried different filter and thresholding but couldnt make the detection same as original , can you help me to fix this issue?

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Answers (2)

Kush on 11 Jul 2023
You can try multple filters such as sobel, prewitt etc given in edge function of matlab, I used color thresholding and box filter to get the following result.The colour thresholding helps capture only the dark pixels since the cracks would be darker and the box filter helps connect broken edges by averaging surrounding value to a center pixel during convolution.
image = imread('inputImage.jpeg'); %Insert your input image filename here
hsvImage = rgb2hsv(image);
valueChannel = hsvImage(:, :, 3);
threshold = 0.3; % Adjust this value as needed
binaryMask = valueChannel < threshold;
convolvedImage = imboxfilt(double(binaryMask), [3,3]); %Choose a window size for blurring
finalImage = ~convolvedImage %Invert the output if necessary
title('Dark Color Image');

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 12 Jul 2023
Zoom in. You'll see your crack in the original image is NOT continuous. Why do you think it is?

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