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cannot copy figure

3 views (last 30 days)
Zhiting on 1 Nov 2011
I use MATLAB to plot figures very often. This is the very first time that I could not copy figure to clipboard. If I go back and open my old figures, I could copy it. But all today's figures cannot be copied. Sometimes I even got error message though not always:
??? Error using ==> print at 325
Invalid handle object.
Error in ==> editmenufcn at 76
uimenufcn(hfig, 'EditCopyFigure')
I double-checked many times and it seemed that once I loaded a specific file (frequency_lifetime_PbTe.dat) then the figure could not be copied. So strange to me.
I copy one of my simple m-files here:
y1=v1(:,2); %ps
Could anyone help me with this? Thanks a lot.
Zhiting on 2 Nov 2011
No. Actually the figure was plotted out correctly. I guess just because the amount of data is too large. I have over 161994 rows in v1.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 2 Nov 2011
Hmmm, possibly. You could test by plotting subsets of the data to see if there is a particular maximum limit. And once you had found that limit, I would try changing the data for the next item and trying to plot including that data -- to see whether it is truly the number of items or if it is data dependent.

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