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error assign value in field text app designer

8 views (last 30 days)
piero on 25 Aug 2023
Answered: Dinesh on 6 Sep 2023
Property assignment is not allowed when the object is empty. Use subscripted assignment to create an array
Error in Predator_Equity/PortfolioTabButtonDown (line 354)
Error in matlab.apps.AppBase>@(source,event)executeCallback(ams,app,callback,requiresEventData,event) (line 62)
newCallback = @(source, event)executeCallback(ams, ...
Error using matlab.ui.internal.componentframework.WebComponentController/handleClientEvent
Error while evaluating Tab ButtonDownFcn.

Answers (1)

Dinesh on 6 Sep 2023
Hi Piero.
The error message you're seeing, "Property assignment is not allowed when the object is empty", typically arises when you're trying to set a property on an object that hasn't been initialized or has been accidentally deleted.
To fix the issue:
  1. Ensure "LastDateRicalcoloEditField" exists and is correctly initialized.
  2. Check the scope and structure of the "app" variable within the callback.
  3. Ensure that no unintentional deletions or modifications of UI components are happening within callbacks or other parts of your code.


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