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Can't drag subsystem port after 2023 Update

17 views (last 30 days)
I just updated my matlab from 2020a to the newest, and I noticed something strange:
Normally you can drag the ports of a subsystem with a mouse click.
But some how if I put a mask for editing a value, I cant move the ports,
and it will only show the arrow to connect to other ports.
Do you guys know how to change this?

Answers (1)

Atharva on 14 Sep 2023
Hey Arsyatria,
I understand that you are trying to modify the port location after masking a subsystem.
Unfortunately, there is no direct way to modify the port position of a masked Simulink subsystem. The only workaround is unmasking the subsystem to modify the port location and masking the subsystem again.
This is a known issue and is a work in progress.
I hope this helps!
  1 Comment
Arsyatria Rasaki
Arsyatria Rasaki on 16 Sep 2023
HI, thanks for your reply!,
Is it corrent if I assume that this only happens with the newer version of Simulink?

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