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What does 1V mean?

3 views (last 30 days)
Job on 25 Sep 2023
Edited: the cyclist on 25 Sep 2023
I have a simple question, in the picture below, what does 1V mean? It is used for the findpeaksfunction as a parameter.
Thanks in advance!
Mario Malic
Mario Malic on 25 Sep 2023
I believe select is a voltage signal (amplitude), so, it just looks for maxima's whose amplitude is at least 1 amplitude unit higher than neighbouring samples.
John D'Errico
John D'Errico on 25 Sep 2023
As always, a single line of code has little real meaning out of context. I think both of the previous comments are accurate though.
The call to findpeaks will detect local peaks in the signal that are at least 1 unit of measurement (possibly a voltage) above the neighboring points. Note that the threshold is set as 1. Is that Volts? We cannot know, only guess.

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Answers (1)

the cyclist
the cyclist on 25 Sep 2023
Edited: the cyclist on 25 Sep 2023
I see that that line of code is from the documentation for findpeaks. It presumably does mean volts (from context), but you can just think of it as one unit from either side (for whatever units are being plotted).




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