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I want to conversion matlab wsolaTSM.m to C++ code.

1 view (last 30 days)
멋진남자 on 10 Oct 2023
Closed: 멋진남자 on 5 Feb 2024
There is demoTSMtoolbox.m file.
and There are Below functions.
1. load the audio signal
2. compute TSM results
3. visualize TSM results
4. write TSM results
But It's OK without "3. visualize TSM results" functions conversion to C++ code.
How I conversion to C++ code?
I use MATLAB Coder or github source but it doesn't work out.
I'm gonna that I would like load the .wav file
and compute TSM and save the it. from C++ code.
檮杌 on 11 Oct 2023
Your question is too broad. Asking specific questions can be helpful to get answers. I believe it would be a good idea to provide 1) the whole reproduction steps, 2) files that are relevant for them, and 3) whole error messages if exist.
멋진남자 on 11 Oct 2023
Edited: 멋진남자 on 11 Oct 2023
I would like load the .wav file
and compute TSM and save the it. from C++ code

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