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Hello, I need to run the command "rosgenmsg", but I have the following error:

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Hello, I need to run the command "rosgenmsg". I am using Windows 10, Visual Studio 2017, Python 2.7.18 and Cmake 3.15.5 as Matlab recommends for each version.
but I have the following error:
[1/1] Generating MATLAB interfaces for custom message packages... Done.
Running catkin build in folder 'C:/Users/username/Documents/Hexa2023/matlab_msg_gen_ros1/win64'.
Build in progress. This may take several minutes...Error using ros.internal.ROSProjectBuilder/buildPackage (line 552)
Error building package: build log.
Error in rosgenmsg (line 483)
buildPackage(builder, [], 'install', catkinMakeArgs); %other messages might need to be present in the same directory

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