error whilw downloading Copernicus Marine data via MOTU in MATLAB
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I am trying to download Copernicus Marine data via MOTU in MATLAB as explained in
I have downloaded the provided matlab script and modify it as below
% Create the work directory 'data'
out_dir = fullfile(pwd, 'data');
if ~exist(out_dir, 'dir')
% Copernicus Marine username and password
username = input('user', "s");
password = input('bassword', "s");
% Product and dataset IDs
productId = 'cmems_mod_glo_phy-thetao_anfc_0.083deg_P1D-m';
% Ocean Variable(s)
variables = ["--variable thetao"];
% Time range
date_start = '2022-01-01 12:00:00';
date_end = '2022-01-07 12:00:00';
% Geographic area and depth level
lon = [-15.26, 5.04]; % lon_min, lon_max
lat = [35.57, 51.03]; % lat_min, lat_max
depth = ["0", "100"]; % depth_min, depth_max
% Output filename
filename = '';
motu_line = sprintf("py -m motuclient --motu", ...
" --service-id ", serviceId, "-TDS --product-id ", productId, ...
"--longitude-min ", lon(1), "--longitude-max ", lon(2), ...
"--latitude-min ", lat(1), "--latitude-max ", lat(2), ...
" --date-min ",date_start," --date-max ",date_end, ...
" --depth-min ", depth(1), " --depth-max ", depth(2), ...
variables(1), ...
" --out-dir ", out_dir, " --out-name ", filename, ...
" --user ", username, " --pwd ", password);
After many trails, I have the following error:
py -m motuclient --motu
2023-11-10 22:55:24.028 [ERROR] Execution failed: [Excp 13] User (option 'user') is mandatory when 'cas' authentication is set. Please provide it.
I have Python 3.8 on Windows 10 and I have installed Pandas and motuclient on Python as well. Anyhelp please?
Answers (1)
Walter Roberson
on 11 Nov 2023
motu_line = sprintf("py -m motuclient --motu", ...
" --service-id ", serviceId, "-TDS --product-id ", productId, ...
"--longitude-min ", lon(1), "--longitude-max ", lon(2), ...
"--latitude-min ", lat(1), "--latitude-max ", lat(2), ...
" --date-min ",date_start," --date-max ",date_end, ...
" --depth-min ", depth(1), " --depth-max ", depth(2), ...
variables(1), ...
" --out-dir ", out_dir, " --out-name ", filename, ...
" --user ", username, " --pwd ", password);
No format characters such as %s in the first parameter to sprintf. The sprintf() is not going to output any of the additional parameters you pass.
The format for sprintf() is sprintf(FORMAT, param1, param2, param3, ...) where the FORMAT specifies how to convert param1 and so on into output. Each % in FORMAT causes the processing of the next param* (with the exception of %$ sequences) .
When the end of FORMAT has been reached, and there were no % format characters, then sprintf() makes no effort to convert any additional parameters and just drops them.
If the end of FORMAT has been reached and there is at least 1 % sequence, and there are additional values to convert, the FORMAT gets reused from the beginning.
In all situations if a % format sequence requires a value and there are no more values to convert, conversion stops at that point. For example, sprintf('abc %g def %g hij\n', 10 ) would output abc 10 def and then would encounter the %g for which there is no corresponding input value, so it would just stop without going on to hij
motu_line = "py -m motuclient --motu" ...
+ " --service-id " + serviceId + "-TDS --product-id " + productId ...
+ "--longitude-min " + lon(1) + "--longitude-max " + lon(2) ...
+ "--latitude-min " + lat(1) + "--latitude-max " + lat(2) ...
+ " --date-min " + date_start + " --date-max " + date_end ...
+ " --depth-min " + depth(1) + " --depth-max " + depth(2) ...
+ variables(1) ...
+ " --out-dir " + out_dir + " --out-name " + filename, ...
+ " --user " + username + " --pwd " + password;
but if so then you should test to see whether the conversion of lat and lon to string is acceptable for your purposes -- the automatic conversion will only hold on to at most 4 decimal places.
Walter Roberson
on 16 Nov 2023
motu_line = "py -m motuclient --motu ''" ...
+ " --service-id " + serviceId + "-TDS --product-id " + productId ...
+ " --longitude-min " + lon(1) + " --longitude-max " + lon(2) ...
+ " --latitude-min " + lat(1) + " --latitude-max " + lat(2) ...
+ " --date-min '" + date_start + "' --date-max '" + date_end ...
+ "' --depth-min " + depth(1) + " --depth-max " + depth(2) ...
+ " " + variables(1) ...
+ " --out-dir '" + out_dir + "' --out-name " + filename ...
+ " --user " + username + " --pwd " + password;
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