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Orientation, Position, and Coordinate Convention

2 views (last 30 days)
I want to change my camera pose from xyz coordinate system(where x-forward direction, y left and z up) to zyx coordinate system ( z-forward y- down and x left) My camera pose is described in an homogenous matrix. Let's take this matrix as an example:
Camera = [ 1 0 0 1,
0 1 0 2,
0 0 1 3,
0 0 0 1]
i created this function which rotate the matrix but i'm not sure if it's working correctly. I mean the rotation needs to be supported the the correct translation right ? :
function rotated_matrix = rotate_homogeneous_matrix(original_matrix, axis, angle_degrees)
% Ensure the matrix is 4x4
if size(original_matrix) ~= [4, 4]
error('Input matrix must be a 4x4 homogeneous matrix');
% Convert angle to radians
angle_radians = deg2rad(angle_degrees);
% Create a copy of the matrix to avoid modifying the original
rotated_matrix = original_matrix;
% Define rotation matrices based on the specified axis
if axis == 'X'
rotation_matrix = [
1, 0, 0, 0;
0, cos(angle_radians), -sin(angle_radians), 0;
0, sin(angle_radians), cos(angle_radians), 0;
0, 0, 0, 1
elseif axis == 'Y'
rotation_matrix = [
cos(angle_radians), 0, sin(angle_radians), 0;
0, 1, 0, 0;
-sin(angle_radians), 0, cos(angle_radians), 0;
0, 0, 0, 1
elseif axis == 'Z'
rotation_matrix = [
cos(angle_radians), -sin(angle_radians), 0, 0;
sin(angle_radians), cos(angle_radians), 0, 0;
0, 0, 1, 0;
0, 0, 0, 1
error('Invalid axis. Use ''X'', ''Y'', or ''Z''.');
% Apply rotation
rotated_matrix = rotated_matrix * rotation_matrix;
% Example usage
pose = rotate_homogeneous_matrix(Camera, "Y", 90)
pose = rotate_homogeneous_matrix(pose, "Z", -90)
I'm only rotating the axes. Do I need to change the order of the translation vector element? Does this function implementation satisfy the target.

Accepted Answer

Angelo Yeo
Angelo Yeo on 26 Jan 2024
One thing to change in the function rotate_homogeneous_matrix: transformation matrices to be calculated before the transformed matrix. See my attemp to visualization after the fix. You can see the original coordinate was rotated 90' on Y axis of world coordinate.
Camera = [ 1 0 0 0;
0 1 0 0;
0 0 1 1;
0 0 0 1];
% Example usage
temp = Camera;
pose = rotate_homogeneous_matrix(temp, "Y", 90);
%% Let's see how transformation worked
p0 = Camera(1:3, end);
p1 = pose(1:3, end);
fig1 = plot3(p0(1), p0(2), p0(3), 'r*');
hold on;
plot3(p1(1), p1(2), p1(3), 'b*');
text(p0(1)+0.2, p0(2)+0.2, p0(3)+0.2,'original')
text(p1(1)+0.2, p1(2)+0.2, p1(3)+0.2,'transformed')
ax = gca;
quiverSize = max([range(ax.XLim) range(ax.YLim) range(ax.ZLim)])/5;
quiver3(p0(1), p0(2), p0(3), Camera(1, 1), Camera(2, 1), Camera(3, 1), quiverSize ,'SeriesIndex', 1, 'LineWidth',1.5);
quiver3(p0(1), p0(2), p0(3), Camera(1, 2), Camera(2, 2), Camera(3, 2), quiverSize ,'SeriesIndex', 2, 'LineWidth',1.5);
quiver3(p0(1), p0(2), p0(3), Camera(1, 3), Camera(2, 3), Camera(3, 3), quiverSize ,'SeriesIndex', 3, 'LineWidth',1.5);
quiver3(p1(1), p1(2), p1(3), pose(1, 1), pose(2, 1), pose(3, 1), quiverSize ,'SeriesIndex', 1, 'LineWidth',1.5);
quiver3(p1(1), p1(2), p1(3), pose(1, 2), pose(2, 2), pose(3, 2), quiverSize ,'SeriesIndex', 2, 'LineWidth',1.5);
quiver3(p1(1), p1(2), p1(3), pose(1, 3), pose(2, 3), pose(3, 3), quiverSize ,'SeriesIndex', 3, 'LineWidth',1.5);
% Adding axis and legend info
fig1.Parent.XLabel.String = "X";
fig1.Parent.YLabel.String = "Y";
fig1.Parent.ZLabel.String = "Z";
fig1.Parent.XLim = [min(min(p0,p1))-1 max(max(p0,p1))+1];
fig1.Parent.YLim = [min(min(p0,p1))-1 max(max(p0,p1))+1];
fig1.Parent.ZLim = [min(min(p0,p1))-1 max(max(p0,p1))+1];
view([26.7891, 25.8500])
hold off
grid on
function rotated_matrix = rotate_homogeneous_matrix(original_matrix, axis, angle_degrees)
% Ensure the matrix is 4x4
if size(original_matrix) ~= [4, 4]
error('Input matrix must be a 4x4 homogeneous matrix');
% Convert angle to radians
angle_radians = deg2rad(angle_degrees);
% Create a copy of the matrix to avoid modifying the original
rotated_matrix = original_matrix;
% Define rotation matrices based on the specified axis
if axis == 'X'
rotation_matrix = [
1, 0, 0, 0;
0, cos(angle_radians), -sin(angle_radians), 0;
0, sin(angle_radians), cos(angle_radians), 0;
0, 0, 0, 1
elseif axis == 'Y'
rotation_matrix = [
cos(angle_radians), 0, sin(angle_radians), 0;
0, 1, 0, 0;
-sin(angle_radians), 0, cos(angle_radians), 0;
0, 0, 0, 1
elseif axis == 'Z'
rotation_matrix = [
cos(angle_radians), -sin(angle_radians), 0, 0;
sin(angle_radians), cos(angle_radians), 0, 0;
0, 0, 1, 0;
0, 0, 0, 1
error('Invalid axis. Use ''X'', ''Y'', or ''Z''.');
% Apply rotation
% rotated_matrix = rotated_matrix * rotation_matrix; % original
rotated_matrix = rotation_matrix * rotated_matrix;

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