Comparing 2 histograms in a barh-plot

2 views (last 30 days)
Marc Laub
Marc Laub on 13 Feb 2024
Commented: Mathieu NOE on 14 Feb 2024
I want to compare 2 histograms in a barh plot. Taking an arbitrary 'VaseValue', I want to plot one histogram to the left, and one to the right.
Doing this, MatLab starts grouping the histogram data within the same bin, which reduces the binwith, which I do not like. I mean it makes sence when both histogram data show into the same direction, but when one is plotted to the left and one to the right, its just a waste.
For both bin values of the same bin to be at the exact same position, I used 'stacked'. This works fine until the basevalue is larger than the highest value that should be plotted in to the left direction... How to I fix that??
This code does what I want it to look like:
x = [1 2];
y = 3+[ 5 5;-5 -5]';
When I do not want the barh to appear at 3, but for example at 5:
x = [1 2];
y = 5+[ 5 5;-5 -5]';
I doenst work. It does not show the barh into negative x direction, which should go from 5 to 0.
Checking the plot, it actually tells me that X and Y data for the first plot its:
BaseValue: 5
XData: [1 2]
YData: [10 10]
and for the second one its:
BaseValue: 5
XData: [1 2]
YData: [0 0]
So the bars should be there, but thery arent....
Any idea how to fix that??
Many Thanks in advance,
Best regards

Answers (1)

Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE on 13 Feb 2024
seems to me the way you build your y data matters
y = 5+[ 5 5;-5 -5]'; NO
y = 5+[ -5 -5;5 5]'; YES
x = [1 2];
y = 5+[ -5 -5;5 5]';
Marc Laub
Marc Laub on 14 Feb 2024
I think i missed one thing, BaseValue and the offset on y have to be the same value
It only shows your results for offset<BaseValue, for offset>=BaseValue, the Value into Positive direction is plottet on top of the already existing negative direction bar plot, making it unvisible. One could then start playing with alpha channels, but it seems like a lot of work for something as easy as the desired result
Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE on 14 Feb 2024
I think i missed one thing, BaseValue and the offset on y have to be the same value

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