Assemble Global Stiffness Matrix
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%% INPUTs:
A = 2300; % Cross-Sectional Area of member (in mm^2)
E = 2*10^5; % Elastic Modulus (in N/mm/mm)
L(:,1) = 4000; % Length of Member-1 (in mm)
L(:,2) = 6000; % Length of Member-2 (in mm)
t(:,1) = 0; % Theta-1
t(:,2) = 90; % Theta-2
t(:,3) = rad2deg(atan(L(:,2)/L(:,1))); % Theta-3
N = numel(t)
L(:,3) = sqrt(L(:,1)^2 + L(:,2)^2); %Length of Member-3 (in mm)
for i = 1:N
k{i} = [A*E/L(:,i) 0 -A*E/L(:,i) 0;0 0 0 0;-A*E/L(:,i) 0 A*E/L(:,i) 0;0 0 0 0];
C{1,i} = [cosd(t(:,i)) -sind(t(:,i)) 0 0;sind(t(:,i)) cosd(t(:,i)) 0 0;0 0 cosd(t(:,i)) -sind(t(:,i));0 0 sind(t(:,i)) cosd(t(:,i))];
D{1,i} = transpose(C{1,i});
K{1,i} = C{1,i}*k{1,i}*D{1,i};
From this code, I'm able to get (4*4) size [K] matrices such that K{1,1} = K1; K{1,2} = K2 & K{1,3} = K3. Now, I want them to assemble in such a way that it ends up into a global matrices of K (6*6) matrix.
K{1,1} - U1 V1 U2 V2
K{1,2} - U2 V2 U3 V3
K{1,3} - U1 V1 U3 V3
Need global assembly matrix such that: [K] based on U1 V1 U2 V2 U3 V3. For more clarification, I'm attaching image.
Accepted Answer
on 1 Mar 2024
%% INPUTs:
A = 2300; % Cross-Sectional Area of member (in mm^2)
E = 2*10^5; % Elastic Modulus (in N/mm/mm)
L(:,1) = 4000; % Length of Member-1 (in mm)
L(:,2) = 6000; % Length of Member-2 (in mm)
t(:,1) = 0; % Theta-1
t(:,2) = 90; % Theta-2
t(:,3) = rad2deg(atan(L(:,2)/L(:,1))); % Theta-3
N = numel(t)
L(:,3) = sqrt(L(:,1)^2 + L(:,2)^2); %Length of Member-3 (in mm)
for i = 1:N
k{i} = [A*E/L(:,i) 0 -A*E/L(:,i) 0;0 0 0 0;-A*E/L(:,i) 0 A*E/L(:,i) 0;0 0 0 0];
C{1,i} = [cosd(t(:,i)) -sind(t(:,i)) 0 0;sind(t(:,i)) cosd(t(:,i)) 0 0;0 0 cosd(t(:,i)) -sind(t(:,i));0 0 sind(t(:,i)) cosd(t(:,i))];
D{1,i} = transpose(C{1,i});
K{1,i} = C{1,i}*k{1,i}*D{1,i};
%% assemble global K:
idx = {1:4, 3:6, [1 2 5 6]};
K_global = zeros(6);
for ii = 1:numel(idx)
K_global(idx{ii},idx{ii}) = K_global(idx{ii},idx{ii})+K{ii};
%% display global K:
format short g
More Answers (1)
on 1 Mar 2024
I think this is what you are looking for. You can extend the logic in a better way if you have more than 3 nodes.
% create random 4x4 matrices with different magnitude to see the results
% clearly
K1 = rand(4);
K2 = rand(4)+10;
K3 = rand(4)+100;
K = zeros(6); % initialize global K
idx_1 = [1 2]; % column and row number corresponding to U1 V1
idx_2 = [3 4]; % column and row number corresponding to U2 V2
idx_3 = [5 6]; % column and row number corresponding to U3 V3
% Assemble the K matrix
K([idx_1 idx_2],[idx_1 idx_2]) = K([idx_1 idx_2],[idx_1 idx_2]) + K1; % U1 V1 U2 V2 part
K([idx_2 idx_3],[idx_2 idx_3]) = K([idx_2 idx_3],[idx_2 idx_3]) + K2; % U2 V2 U3 V3 part
K([idx_1 idx_3],[idx_1 idx_3]) = K([idx_1 idx_3],[idx_1 idx_3]) + K3; % U1 V1 U3 V3 part
See Also
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