Get the low voltage ride through graphs

31 views (last 30 days)
Ali on 19 Mar 2024
Commented: Suraj Kumar on 3 Apr 2024
I have been using a programmable voltage source to emulate my grid but now I need to follow a specific standards to test the grid codes compliance such as low voltage ride through and high voltage ride through. I was thinking about creating a Matlab function but I was wondering how to get the low and high voltage ride through curves

Answers (1)

Suraj Kumar
Suraj Kumar on 28 Mar 2024
Hi Ali,
To create a MATLAB function that simulates the LVRT and HVRT curves, you need to first define the voltage profiles based on the specific grid codes or standards you are following. Assign a time to each key point, indicating when the voltage changes occur and how long they last.
You can refer the following code for better understanding:
function [time, voltage] = simulateLVRT(duration, timestep)
lvrt_start = 0.1;
lvrt_end = 0.6;
recovery_time = 1.0;
nominal_voltage = 1.0;
lvrt_voltage = 0.7;
time = 0:timestep:duration;
voltage = nominal_voltage * ones(size(time));
for i = 1:length(time)
if time(i) >= lvrt_start && time(i) < lvrt_end
voltage(i) = lvrt_voltage;
elseif time(i) >= lvrt_end && time(i) < recovery_time
slope = (nominal_voltage - lvrt_voltage) / (recovery_time - lvrt_end);
voltage(i) = lvrt_voltage + slope * (time(i) - lvrt_end);
Then using the voltage levels, and timings, you can plot the voltage profile on a graph with time on the horizontal axis and voltage on the vertical axis. 
plot( time, voltage);
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Voltage (pu)');
title('LVRT Curve');
grid on;
The attached image shows the LVRT curve plotted using the MATLAB function:
You can similarly create the HVRT curve.
For more information about “plot” function you can refer the following documentation:
Hope this helps!
Ali on 28 Mar 2024
Thank you for the answer. I got an error simulating this code . the idea that I have a 3 phase programmbale voltage sourece connected to the load. From the voltage source i can should the voltage I need at a time. Then I connected a voltage relay connected to breaker so if the voltage goes less than the threshod the grid will disconnect. I tried to put this code in the function it gave me inputs duration and timestep and output voltage and time. I think the function should take the voltage and time from the programmable voltage source and then decide if the voltage is acceptable or not
Suraj Kumar
Suraj Kumar on 3 Apr 2024
Can you tell me more about the error that you are getting while executing the code ?

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