How to avoid memory leaks with py.pandas.DataFrame objects

10 views (last 30 days)
I was thrilled to see that pandas data frames allow us to pass matlab table to python and to read in pandas data frames into Matlab. However, these objects lead to memory leaks that run out of control when dealing with large amounts of data.
For example, the code below causes the memory use to increase and never go down
for ii = 1:1000
T = array2table(rand(100000,10));
pyT = py.pandas.DataFrame(T);
clear pyT
I've tried this to no avail:
for ii = 1:1000
T = array2table(rand(100000,10));
pyT = py.pandas.DataFrame(T);
clear pyT
I've also tried this:
for ii = 1:1000
T = array2table(rand(100000,10));
pyT = py.pandas.DataFrame(T);
I know this is still a very fresh release and its a new feature but does anyone have ideas on how to make use of DataFrames in matlab without causing memory issues? When I close Matlab the memory is deallocated just fine.
cui,xingxing on 3 Apr 2024
I reproduced your problem, and one solution is that using python's data directly avoids infinite memory growth.
for ii = 1:1000
% T = array2table(rand(100000,10));
T = py.numpy.random.rand(int32(100000),int32(10)); % use this instead
pyT = py.pandas.DataFrame(T);
As for the reason for passing large arrays from MATLAB to python, ask tech support. If there is something new, please post it below.
Rueben Mendelsberg
Rueben Mendelsberg on 3 Apr 2024
Thanks for looking into it and suggesting an alternative. I could try to construct the dataframe from the ground up from my tables. We did find a kinda gross work around by writing temporary parquet files to disk and sending paths to python instead of data frames.
I'll contact support becuase this interface turns out to be super handy for several of the tasks that I need to do.

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