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How to get map and projection info from jp2 image?

7 views (last 30 days)
Aksh on 9 Jun 2024
Edited: Aksh on 9 Jun 2024
I have tried for extracting map and projection information using attached matlab code in the format given below;
map info = {UTM, 1, 1, 712580, 3216500, 20, 20, 43, North, WGS-84, Meters}
coordinate system string = {PROJCS["WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_43N",GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],PARAMETER["False_Easting",500000.0],PARAMETER["False_Northing",0.0],PARAMETER["Central_Meridian",75.0],PARAMETER["Scale_Factor",0.9996],PARAMETER["Latitude_Of_Origin",0.0],UNIT["Meter",1.0]]}
I have flow chart given below;
Map information
  • R
  • CellExtentInWorldX,
  • CellExtentInWorldY,
  • ColumnsStartFrom
  • XWorldLimits[1]
  • YWorldLimits[1]
  • ProjectedCRS
  • Name
  • LengthUnit
Projection information
  • R.ProjectedCRS
  • Name
  • ProjectionMethod
  • LengthUnit
  • ProjectionParameters
  • ScaleFactorAtNaturalOrigin
  • LatitudeofNaturalOrigin
  • LongitudeOfNaturalOrigin
  • FalseEasting
  • FalseNorthing
  • GeographicCRS
  • Name
  • Datum
  • PrimeMeridian
  • AngleUnit
  • Spheroid
  • Name
  • SemimajorAxis
  • InverseFlattening
However, I am not able to get the map and projection information with the same variables as mentioned above using my attached matlab code. I am attching my matlab code and providing the link for jp2 image. I request your assistance to get complete map and projection information from jp2 image with the same variables as mentioned above. I would be highly obliged to you for your kind help.

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