How to change labels in pde toolbox

7 views (last 30 days)
Geovane Gomes
Geovane Gomes on 30 Jun 2024
Commented: Umar on 30 Jun 2024
Hello everyone,
Is it possible to change the labels when using the pde toolbox?
For example, make face labels correspond to the same faces as the solids below.
files = unzip('')
files = 1x2 cell array
{'straight.STEP'} {'tappered.STEP'}
% geometry
g1 = importGeometry(files{1});
g1 = rotate(g1,90,[0 0 0],[1 0 0]);
g2 = importGeometry(files{2});
g2 = rotate(g2,90,[0 0 0],[1 0 0]);
% model
wing1 = createpde();
wing1.Geometry = g1;
wing2 = createpde();
wing2.Geometry = g2;

Answers (1)

Umar on 30 Jun 2024
Hi Geovane,
In the PDE Toolbox in MATLAB, you can change labels to correspond to faces of solids by utilizing the pdetool function. By setting the FaceLabels property to "on" in the pdegplot function, you can display face labels on the geometry plot. Additionally, you can customize the labels further by modifying the properties of the plot.
Here is an example code snippet demonstrating how to achieve this
% Create PDE model
model = createpde();
% Set geometry and plot with face labels
pdegplot(model, 'FaceLabels', 'on', 'FaceAlpha', 0.5);
% Export the plot
exportgraphics(gcf, 'geometry_with_labels.png', 'Resolution', 300);
By following these steps and customizing the plot properties, you can effectively change and display labels in the PDE Toolbox according to your requirements.
Hope this answers your question.
Geovane Gomes
Geovane Gomes on 30 Jun 2024
Hi Umar,
Thanks for answering.
It's not clear to me how do I change the labels, for example relabel the F3 face to F4.
Umar on 30 Jun 2024
Hi Geovane,
If I recall and jog my memory correctly, you can use the set function to update the properties of the object.
For more information on this function, please refer to
Hope this will help resolve your problem.

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