when i start matlab, this appears ''Warning: Name is nonexistent or not a directory: C:\OPAL-RT​\RT-LAB\20​24.1\commo​n\bin '' i want to remove this

4 views (last 30 days)
when i start matlab, this appears ''Warning: Name is nonexistent or not a directory: C:\OPAL-RT\RT-LAB\2024.1\common\bin '' i want to remove this

Accepted Answer

Malay Agarwal
Malay Agarwal on 17 Sep 2024
Edited: Malay Agarwal on 17 Sep 2024
You are getting the warning since the directory "C:\OPAL-RT\RT-LAB\2024.1\common\bin" is added to the MATLAB Search Path but MATLAB cannot find the directory on your system. You'll need to remove this directory from the MATLAB Search Path to get rid of this warning.
Here are the steps to remove the directory from the search path:
  1. Go to the "Home" tab of the tool ribbon,
  2. Click the SetPath icon.
  3. Then locate the missing folder and highlight it.
  4. Click Remove, Save, and Close.
After performing the above steps, the warning should go away the next time you start MATLAB.
Please refer to the following resources for more information:
Hope this helps!
ASIF ALI on 17 Sep 2024
Thanks for answer,
however i am unable to locate these, in setpath
Warning: Name is nonexistent or not a directory: C:\OPAL-RT\RT-LAB\2024.1\common\bin
Warning: Name is nonexistent or not a directory: C:\OPAL-RT\RT-LAB\2024.1\Simulink\rtw\c\common
Warning: Name is nonexistent or not a directory: C:\OPAL-RT\RT-LAB\2024.1\Simulink\libR2021a
Warning: Name is nonexistent or not a directory: C:\OPAL-RT\RT-LAB\2024.1\Simulink\m
Warning: Name is nonexistent or not a directory: C:\OPAL-RT\RT-LAB\2024.1\Simulink\ephasorsim
Warning: Name is nonexistent or not a directory: C:\OPAL-RT\RT-LAB\2024.1\Examples\ePHASORsim
Warning: Name is nonexistent or not a directory: C:\OPAL-RT\RT-LAB\2024.1\common\bin\x64
DGM on 17 Sep 2024
In my experience, dead links in the path file aren't actually loaded when they fail at startup, so they won't even show up when you use the pathtool. You have to edit the actual file directly.
At least that's my experience.

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