Matching solutions of the heat equation in cylindrical coordinates
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Difficulty Matching PDE Solutions at
Using MATLAB Integration

I am working on solving a boundary value problem involving a PDE (heat equation in cylindrical coordinates with two Neumann conditions and Dirac delta function as an IC) with different regimes for

where r is the radial coordinate, ϵ is of the order of 0.4
is of the order of 1.4
is of the order of 2.4

κ is of the order of 1
and D in the order of 0.33
. The BCs are:
. The IC is a Dirac delta function at

The problem requires matching solutions at
, using continuity condition for the function and demanding the integration equals to 1 of the eigenfunctions (normalization condition). However, my MATLAB implementation does not yield solutions that match well (there is a certain jump there) at

I suspect there may be an issue in my approach and would appreciate any guidance. These are the solutions for each region :
The general solution inside

where λ are the eigenvalues.
We have the BC:

are coefficients to be determined, and
is the confluent hypergeometric function defined as


Outside of

are the zeroth order first and second kind Bessel function and A and B are coefficients to be determined and α is the square root of the eigenvalue λ as

Boundary condition:


Final solution:

For matching we demand:

and the normalization condition as (when assuming $C_{2}$ to be zero which should be correct (as we care only about the ratio of the coefficients as later on they are ''swallowed'' when implementing the IC)):

So I start with isolating A:

Then, to obtain the eignevalues I substitute in the continuity condition:

Then I substitute what I got for A (which I'm not sure if the plus sign, minus sign or both is/are correct) and solve for the eigenvalues with the build-in MATLAB function
. I can clrearly see from my plots that there is a relatively high jump between the two regions which I'm not happy about. I'll be glad if someone could advice from experience in matching solutions of PDEs.

Below is the MATLAB code. Thanks! Roi
close all
clear all
% Parameters
R0 = 1.6; % Inner radius
R_star = 2.4; % Outer radius
D = 0.33; % Diffusion coefficient
epsilon = 0.4; % Small cutoff
kappa = 1; % Reaction coefficient
% Special functions (placeholders for the confluent hypergeometric function M)
M = @(a, b, x) hypergeom(a, b, x); % MATLAB has the hypergeom function
J0 = @(x) besselj(0, x);
J1 = @(x) besselj(1, x);
Y0 = @(x) bessely(0, x);
Y1 = @(x) bessely(1, x);
% Define R1(r)^2 as a function of alpha
R1_squared = @(r, alpha) ( ...
( (1 - (alpha.^2 * D) / (2 * kappa)) / 2 * M(2 - (alpha.^2 * D) / (2 * kappa), 3, (kappa / (2 * D)) * (2 * epsilon)^2) ...
./ ((alpha.^2 * D) / (2 * kappa) * M(1 - (alpha.^2 * D) / (2 * kappa), 2, (kappa / (2 * D)) * (2 * epsilon)^2)) ...
.* M(-(alpha.^2 * D) / (2 * kappa), 1, (kappa / (2 * D)) * r.^2) ...
+ M(1 - (alpha.^2 * D) / (2 * kappa), 2, (kappa / (2 * D)) * r.^2) ) ).^2;
% Define R2(r)^2 as a function of alpha
R2_squared = @(r, alpha) ( ...
besselj(0, alpha .* r) - (besselj(1, alpha .* R_star) ./ bessely(1, alpha .* R_star)) .* bessely(0, alpha .* r) ).^2;
% Define the equation to solve for alpha
equation = @(alpha) ...
( ...
besselj(0, alpha .* R0) - ...
(besselj(1, alpha .* R_star) ./ bessely(1, alpha .* R_star)) .* bessely(0, alpha .* R0) ...
) .* sqrt( ...
(1 - integral(@(r) R1_squared(r, alpha) .* exp(-kappa / (2 * D) * r.^2), 2 * epsilon, R0)) ./ ...
integral(@(r) R2_squared(r, alpha) .* r, R0, R_star) ...
) ...
- ...
( (1 - (alpha.^2 .* D) ./ (2 .* kappa)) ./ 2 ) .* ...
M(2 - (alpha.^2 .* D) ./ (2 .* kappa), 3, (kappa ./ (2 .* D)) .* (2 .* epsilon).^2) ./ ...
((alpha.^2 .* D) ./ (2 .* kappa) .* M(1 - (alpha.^2 .* D) ./ (2 .* kappa), 2, (kappa ./ (2 .* D)) .* (2 .* epsilon).^2)) .* ...
M(-(alpha.^2 .* D) ./ (2 .* kappa), 1, (kappa ./ (2 .* D)) .* R0.^2) + ...
M(1 - (alpha.^2 .* D) ./ (2 .* kappa), 2, (kappa ./ (2 .* D)) .* R0.^2);
% Initial guesses for finding roots
% initial_guesses = [linspace(1e-4, 1e-3, 10),linspace(1e-3, 1e-2, 10),linspace(1e-2, 1e-1, 10),linspace(1e-1, 1e0, 10),linspace(1, 50, 100)]; % Array of initial guesses
initial_guesses = [linspace(1e-1, 1e0, 10),linspace(1, 50, 50)]; % Array of initial guesses
alpha_values = []; % Store distinct roots
tolerance = 1e-2; % Minimum difference between roots
% Find eigenvalues (alpha values)
for guess = initial_guesses
root = fsolve(equation, guess, optimoptions('fsolve', 'Display', 'none'));
if isempty(alpha_values) || all(abs(alpha_values - root) > tolerance)
alpha_values = [alpha_values, root];
if length(alpha_values) >= 10, break; end
% Double-check alpha values
valid_alpha_values = [];
for i = 1:length(alpha_values)
if abs(equation(alpha_values(i))) < 1e-2
valid_alpha_values = [valid_alpha_values, alpha_values(i)];
disp('Validated alpha_i values (|equation(alpha)| < 1e-3):');
% Radial functions
r_range1 = linspace(2 * epsilon, R0, 100); % Region 1
r_range2 = linspace(R0, R_star, 100); % Region 2
% Define radial functions
R1 = @(r, alpha) ...
( (1 - (alpha^2 * D) / (2 * kappa)) / 2 ) .* ...
M(2 - (alpha^2 * D) / (2 * kappa), 3, (kappa / (2 * D)) * (2 * epsilon)^2) ./ ...
((alpha^2 * D) / (2 * kappa) .* M(1 - (alpha^2 * D) / (2 * kappa), 2, (kappa / (2 * D)) * (2 * epsilon)^2)) .* ...
M(-(alpha^2 * D) / (2 * kappa), 1, (kappa / (2 * D)) * r.^2) + ...
M(1 - (alpha^2 * D) / (2 * kappa), 2, (kappa / (2 * D)) * r.^2);
R2 = @(r, alpha) ...
besselj(0, alpha * r) - (besselj(1, alpha * R_star) / bessely(1, alpha * R_star)) * bessely(0, alpha * r);
% Compute integrals and normalize radial functions
coefficients1 = zeros(size(valid_alpha_values));
coefficients2 = zeros(size(valid_alpha_values));
% Progress bar for coefficients computation
h1 = waitbar(0, 'Calculating coefficients...');
for i = 1:length(valid_alpha_values)
alpha = valid_alpha_values(i);
% Compute R1 and R2 at R0
R1_at_R0 = R1(R0, alpha);
R2_at_R0 = R2(R0, alpha);
% Compute the coefficients directly using the integral formulas
coefficients1(i) = (1 / (2 * pi * R0)) * (R1_at_R0 * exp(-kappa ./ (2 .* D) .* R0.^2) / trapz(r_range1, R1(r_range1, alpha).^2 .* exp(-kappa ./ (2 .* D) .* r_range1.^2)));
coefficients2(i) = (1 / (2 * pi)) * (R2_at_R0 / trapz(r_range2, R2(r_range2, alpha).^2 .* r_range2));
waitbar(i / length(valid_alpha_values), h1);
% Plot the first radial component (Region 1) after normalization
hold on;
colors = jet(length(valid_alpha_values)); % Color map for eigenvalues
for i = 1:length(valid_alpha_values)
alpha = valid_alpha_values(i);
R1_normalized = coefficients1(i) * R1(r_range1, alpha);
plot(r_range1, R1_normalized, 'Color', colors(i, :), 'LineWidth', 2);
xlabel('$r$', 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 16);
ylabel('$R_1(r)$ (Normalized)', 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 16);
title('Normalized Radial Component $R_1(r)$ in Region 1', 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 18);
grid on;
% Plot the second radial component (Region 2) after normalization
hold on;
for i = 1:length(valid_alpha_values)
alpha = valid_alpha_values(i);
R2_normalized = coefficients2(i) * R2(r_range2, alpha);
plot(r_range2, R2_normalized, 'Color', colors(i, :), 'LineWidth', 2);
xlabel('$r$', 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 16);
ylabel('$R_2(r)$ (Normalized)', 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 16);
title('Normalized Radial Component $R_2(r)$ in Region 2', 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 18);
grid on;
% Define the full range for plotting
r_range_total = linspace(2 * epsilon, R_star, 200);
% Compute the matched solution R(r)
R_matched_R1 = zeros(size(r_range_total)); % Contribution from R1
R_matched_R2 = zeros(size(r_range_total)); % Contribution from R2
% Loop over each eigenvalue and add contributions from R1 and R2
for i = 1:length(valid_alpha_values)
alpha = valid_alpha_values(i);
% Compute the contribution for each range
R1_contribution = coefficients1(i) * R1(r_range_total(r_range_total <= R0), alpha);
R2_contribution = coefficients2(i) * R2(r_range_total(r_range_total > R0), alpha);
% Combine the two contributions
R_matched_R1(r_range_total <= R0) = R_matched_R1(r_range_total <= R0) + R1_contribution;
R_matched_R2(r_range_total > R0) = R_matched_R2(r_range_total > R0) + R2_contribution;
% Combine the matched solution for the full range
R_matched = R_matched_R1 + R_matched_R2;
% Plot the matched solution
hold on;
% Plot R1 part
plot(r_range_total(r_range_total <= R0), R_matched_R1(r_range_total <= R0), ...
'LineWidth', 3, 'Color', 'b', 'DisplayName', '$R_1(r)$');
% Plot R2 part
plot(r_range_total(r_range_total > R0), R_matched_R2(r_range_total > R0), ...
'LineWidth', 3, 'Color', 'r', 'DisplayName', '$R_2(r)$');
% Styling the figure
set(gcf, 'Units', 'Inches', 'Position', [0, 0, 9.8, 7.5], 'PaperUnits', 'Inches', 'PaperSize', [9.8, 7.5]);
ax = gca;
ax.FontSize = 32;
extraInputs2 = {'interpreter', 'latex', 'fontsize', 32};
xlabel('$r$', extraInputs2{:});
ylabel('$R(r)$ (Matched Solution)', extraInputs2{:});
title('Matched Radial Solution $R(r)$', extraInputs2{:});
legend('show', 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 24, 'Location', 'best');
box on;
ax.LineWidth = 3;
grid on;
hold off;
% Compute and plot the matched full solution p(r, t)
time_values = [0:0.02:0.5, 5:5:30]; % Time points for evaluation
p_total = zeros(length(time_values), length(r_range_total)); % Store solutions
% Progress bar for solution computation
h2 = waitbar(0, 'Calculating matched solutions...');
for t_idx = 1:length(time_values)
t = time_values(t_idx);
p_t = zeros(size(r_range_total));
for i = 1:length(valid_alpha_values)
alpha = valid_alpha_values(i);
% Add contributions from R1 and R2 in their respective ranges
p_t(r_range_total <= R0) = p_t(r_range_total <= R0) + ...
coefficients1(i) * R1(r_range_total(r_range_total <= R0), alpha) .* exp(-alpha^2 * t);
p_t(r_range_total > R0) = p_t(r_range_total > R0) + ...
coefficients2(i) * R2(r_range_total(r_range_total > R0), alpha) .* exp(-alpha^2 * t);
p_total(t_idx, :) = p_t; % Store the matched solution for this time
waitbar(t_idx / length(time_values), h2);
% Plot the matched solution over time
hold on;
colors = jet(length(time_values)); % Color map for time points
for t_idx = 1:length(time_values)
plot(r_range_total, p_total(t_idx, :), 'Color', colors(t_idx, :), 'LineWidth', 2);
% Styling the plot
set(gcf, 'Units', 'Inches', 'Position', [0, 0, 9.8, 7.5], 'PaperUnits', 'Inches', 'PaperSize', [9.8, 7.5]);
ax = gca;
ax.FontSize = 32;
extraInputs2 = {'interpreter', 'latex', 'fontsize', 32};
xlabel('$r$', extraInputs2{:});
ylabel('$p(r, t)$', extraInputs2{:});
title('Matched Solution $p(r, t)$ over Time', extraInputs2{:});
grid on;
box on;
ax.LineWidth = 3;
hold off;
on 24 Dec 2024
Edited: Torsten
on 24 Dec 2024
Do you have a reference where such boundary conditions (dp/dr = 0 at r = 2*eps and r = R*, continuity for p at r = R* and an integral condition) are used to fix a solution for p ? I'm still not convinced that your integral condition can substitute a (usual) condition on the flux dp/dr at r = R_0.
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