How to get state vector from the State-space block in Simulink?

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Hello! I have a state-space block in Simulink and I want to extract the state vector in order to visualize it on scope. Is there any way to do this? Thanks!

Accepted Answer

Sebastian Castro
Sebastian Castro on 25 May 2015
I don't believe there's a direct way to access the states unless you re-implement the state-space block yourself with matrix multiplications, integrators, etc.
What you could do expand your C matrix to include the identity matrix. Then, you can use a Selector block to break the output into output and states.
For example, say you had a 2-state, 1-output system with C = [2 1]. You could change the C matrix to be [2 1;1 0;0 1] (you'd have to also reshape your D matrix). Then, the 1st element would be your original output and the 2nd and 3rd elements would be your actual state values.
- Sebastian

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