regarding storage issues for mixed-type value matrix

2 views (last 30 days)
There has a loop in my program, and during each iteration an ID will be generated. I want to store these IDs into a two dimensional array, i.e., A. The first column of A stores the iteration number, i.e., A(1,1) = 1 and A(2,1) = 2. The second column of A stores the ID generated during each iteration, i.e., A(1,2) stores the ID generated during the first iteration. The tricky part is that these IDs can be either a numerical value or a string. For instance, A(1,2) = 12345; A(2,2) = abcde. Which kind of data structure should I use to store this mixed-value matrix?

Accepted Answer

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov on 23 Nov 2011
% cell array
A = {1 12345;2 'abcde'}
% structure array
A = struct('iter',{1 2},'ID',{12345,'abcde'})
A = cell(2);
for j1 = 1:2
A{j1,1} = j1;
if j1 == 1
A{j1,2} = 12345; % or other
A{j1,2} = 'abcde';
A = struct('iter',[],'ID',[]);
for j1 = 1:2
A(j1).iter = j1;
if j1 == 1
A(j1).ID = 12345; % or other
A(j1).ID = 'abcde';

More Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 23 Nov 2011
I'd use an array of structures. I think it would be simplest. However you can use a cell array if you want, though figuring out when to use parentheses and when to use braces can be tricky.


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