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How do I combine two surfaces to a single surface for conversion to solid to .stl

2 views (last 30 days)
I have two surfaces -- a surface of compiled Bezier surfaces and a semi-sphere. I would like to integrate these two surfaces to one for conversion to a solid, then conversion to .stl. Currently, with the code that I have, the two surfaces remain distinct and the resultant .stl is not a closed piece, which causes issues in printing. Is there some way to take these two function-based surfaces and merge/compile them to form one surface to ease surf2solid and then .stl conversion? I used one surf() fcn to display the two surfaces by combining them in a matrix with the coordinates for the surface 1 and sphere surface separated by a column of NaN.
Relevant code is as follows:
%% Insert Builder
figure (1) clf('reset')
Ax=[0 0 0 0 .42 .46 .67 .92 1.18 1.17 1.56 1.93 1.72 2.18 2.60 2.76]; Ay=[0 0.94 2.07 3.1 0.05 1.06 2.21 3.1 .24 1.12 2.15 3.1 .99 1.55 2.22 3.1]; Az=[1.219 0.466 0.19 0 1.268 0.466 0.2925 0.098 1.17 .6305 0.47 .267 1.066 1.156 1.056 .978]; Bx=[0 0 0 0 0.92 .88 1.05 1.22 1.93 1.93 1.91 2.26 2.76 2.98 3.11 3.25;]; By=[3.1 4.06 5.07 6 3.1 4.10 5.06 6 3.1 4.08 5.07 6 3.1 3.89 4.80 6;]; Bz=[0 -.049 .086 .237 .098 .0715 .105 .306 .261 .3335 .38 .53 .978 1.04 1.091 1.219]; Cx=[0 0 0 0 1.22 1.4 1.46 1.45 2.26 2.5 2.7 2.94 3.25 3.45 3.6 3.8;]; Cy=[6 7.67 9.16 10.4 6 7.76 9.17 10.4 6 7.63 9.17 10.4 6 7.56 9.13 10.4;]; Cz=[.237 .56 .708 .697 0.306 0.507 0.532 0.452 0.53 0.718 0.597 0.232 1.219 1.46 1.409 1.37;]; Dx=[0 0 0 0 1.45 1.53 1.36 1.48 2.94 3.02 2.95 2.85 3.8 3.85 3.9 3.9]; Dy=[10.4 12.76 14.91 17. 10.4 12.82 14.96 17 10.4 12.71 14.88 17. 10.4 12.61 14.92 17.]; Dz=[.697 .702 .605 .242 .452 .1145 .075 -.189 .232 .1185 -.069 -.165 1.37 1.148 .741 .3]; Ex=[0 0 0 0 1.48 1.5 1.39 1.29 2.85 2.83 2.74 2.55 3.9 3.92 3.94 3.98]; Ey=[17. 18.1 19.27 20.48 17 17.99 19.09 20.28 17. 17.89 18.52 19.44 17 17.64 18.27 18.78]; Ez=[.242 -.05 .0194 .033 -.189 -.243 -.1 .033 -.165 -.1965 -.1 .196 .3 .295 .402 .446]; Fx=[0 0 0 0 1.29 1.2 1.24 1.14 2.55 2.41 2.43 2.34 3.98 3.95 3.9 3.85]; Fy=[20.48 21.37 21.87 22.84 20.28 20.98 21.47 22.25 19.44 19.92 20.60 21.13 18.78 19.33 19.87 20.34]; Fz=[.033 .169 .6 .5 .033 .166 .6 .5 .196 .488 .5 .45 .446 .49 .5 .5]; Gx=[0 0 0 0 1.14 1.14 1.26 1.6 2.34 2.22 2.57 3.46 3.85 3.8 3.74 3.6]; Gy=[22.84 23.89 24.89 26.11 22.25 22.92 23.81 25.14 21.13 21.6 22. 22.1 20.34 20.83 21.3 21.7]; Gz=[.5 .4 .2 .9 .5 .4 .2 .723 .45 .3 .2 .8 .5 .5 .3 .55]; Nx=[-1.84 -2.44 -2.83 -2.84 -1.35 -1.61 -2.07 -2.12 -0.78 -0.88 -1.08 -1.06 0 0 0 0]; Ny=[0.86 1.59 2.49 3.1 0.24 1.2 2.2 3.1 .12 1.12 2.16 3.1 0 0.94 2.07 3.1]; Nz=[1.249 1.3 1.247 1.103 1.029 .6759 .602 .36 1.097 .5765 .282 .081 1.219 0.466 0.19 0]; Mx=[-2.84 -2.88 -2.91 -2.95 -2.12 -2.11 -2.02 -1.95 -1.06 -1.01 -0.86 -.94 0 0 0 0]; My=[3.1 4.29 5.23 6 3.1 4.25 5.20 6 3.1 4.18 5.2 6 3.1 4.06 5.07 6]; Mz=[1.103 1.187 1.402 1.354 0.36 .4545 .549 .751 .081 .1125 .186 .45 0 -.049 .086 .237]; Lx=[-2.95 -3.1 -3.34 -3.66 -1.95 -2.04 -2.17 -2.58 -.94 -1.01 -1.14 -1.28 0 0 0 0]; Ly=[6 7.55 8.98 10.4 6 7.61 9.16 10.4 6 7.71 9.17 10.4 6 7.67 9.16 10.4]; Lz=[1.354 1.704 2.081 2.359 .751 1.1955 1.4835 1.633 .45 .739 1.017 1.137 .237 .56 .708 .697;]; Kx=[-3.66 -3.73 -3.70 -4.15 -2.58 -2.71 -2.48 -2.69 -1.28 -1.2 -1.12 -1.22 0 0 0 0]; Ky=[10.4 12.79 14.93 17 10.4 12.68 14.85 17 10.4 12.81 14.91 17. 10.4 12.76 14.91 17.]; Kz=[2.359 2.325 1.849 1.463 1.633 1.6 1.293 .756 1.137 1.186 .9635 .662 .697 .702 .605 .242]; Jx=[-4.15 -4.19 -4.57 -4.45 -2.69 -2.83 -2.95 -2.99 -1.22 -1.37 -1.3 -1.54 0 0 0 0]; Jy=[17. 17.92 18.94 20.35 17 18.25 19.34 20.8 17. 18.32 19.28 20.68 17. 18.1 19.27 20.48]; Jz=[1.463 1.217 .854 .95 .756 .546 .3585 .427 .662 .457 .164 .09 .242 -.05 .0194 .033]; Ix=[-4.45 -4.59 -4.63 -4.74 -2.99 -2.94 -3.21 -3.28 -1.54 -1.53 -1.63 -1.14 0 0 0 0]; Iy=[20.35 20.92 21.49 22 20.8 21.29 21.77 22.73 20.68 21.76 22.27 23.43 20.48 21.37 21.87 22.84]; Iz=[0.95 .9 .99 .9 .427 .8035 .66 .56 .09 .4035 .65 .55 .033 .169 .6 .5]; Hx=[-4.74 -4.8 -4.8 -4.6 -3.28 -3.35 -3.68 -4.4 -1.14 -1.14 -1.58 -1.6 0 0 0 0]; Hy=[22 23.15 24. 25 22.73 23.86 25.29 26 23.43 24.67 25.59 27.13 22.84 23.89 24.89 26.11]; Hz=[.9 .81 .2 .6 .56 .46 .2 .9 .55 .45 .3 .9 .5 .4 .2 .9];
if FOOT=='r' n=1:10; a=11:21; nn=n; aa=a-10;
Gz(:,4)=Gz(:,3); Hz(:,4)=Hz(:,3);
elseif FOOT=='l' a=1:10; n=11:21; nn=n-10; aa=a;
%%%%%%%% PLOT FOOT SURFACE for j=1:1:11 for i=1:1:11 u=(i-1)/10; w=(j-1)/10; [Axi(i,j),Ayi(i,j),Azi(i,j)]=bez_surf(Ax,Ay,Az,u,w); [Bxi(i,j),Byi(i,j),Bzi(i,j)]=bez_surf(Bx,By,Bz,u,w); [Cxi(i,j),Cyi(i,j),Czi(i,j)]=bez_surf(Cx,Cy,Cz,u,w); [Dxi(i,j),Dyi(i,j),Dzi(i,j)]=bez_surf(Dx,Dy,Dz,u,w); [Exi(i,j),Eyi(i,j),Ezi(i,j)]=bez_surf(Ex,Ey,Ez,u,w); [Fxi(i,j),Fyi(i,j),Fzi(i,j)]=bez_surf(Fx,Fy,Fz,u,w); [Gxi(i,j),Gyi(i,j),Gzi(i,j)]=bez_surf(Gx,Gy,Gz,u,w); [Hxi(i,j),Hyi(i,j),Hzi(i,j)]=bez_surf(Hx,Hy,Hz,u,w); [Ixi(i,j),Iyi(i,j),Izi(i,j)]=bez_surf(Ix,Iy,Iz,u,w); [Jxi(i,j),Jyi(i,j),Jzi(i,j)]=bez_surf(Jx,Jy,Jz,u,w); [Kxi(i,j),Kyi(i,j),Kzi(i,j)]=bez_surf(Kx,Ky,Kz,u,w); [Lxi(i,j),Lyi(i,j),Lzi(i,j)]=bez_surf(Lx,Ly,Lz,u,w); [Mxi(i,j),Myi(i,j),Mzi(i,j)]=bez_surf(Mx,My,Mz,u,w); [Nxi(i,j),Nyi(i,j),Nzi(i,j)]=bez_surf(Nx,Ny,Nz,u,w);
%Heel cup %[HCxi(i,j), HCyi(i,j), HCzi(i,j)] = bez_surf(HCx1, HCy1, HCz1, u,w);
end end
n=1:10; a=11:21; nn=n; aa=a-10;
footx=zeros(21,71); footy=zeros(21,71); footz=zeros(21,71); footx(n,1:10)=Nxi(nn,1:10);footy(n,1:10)=Nyi(nn,1:10);footz(n,1:10)=Nzi(nn,1:10); footx(a,1:10)=Axi(aa,1:10);footy(a,1:10)=Ayi(aa,1:10);footz(a,1:10)=Azi(aa,1:10); footx(n,11:20)=Mxi(nn,1:10);footy(n,11:20)=Myi(nn,1:10);footz(n,11:20)=Mzi(nn,1:10); footx(a,11:20)=Bxi(aa,1:10);footy(a,11:20)=Byi(aa,1:10);footz(a,11:20)=Bzi(aa,1:10); footx(n,21:30)=Lxi(nn,1:10);footy(n,21:30)=Lyi(nn,1:10);footz(n,21:30)=Lzi(nn,1:10); footx(a,21:30)=Cxi(aa,1:10);footy(a,21:30)=Cyi(aa,1:10);footz(a,21:30)=Czi(aa,1:10); footx(n,31:40)=Kxi(nn,1:10);footy(n,31:40)=Kyi(nn,1:10);footz(n,31:40)=Kzi(nn,1:10); footx(a,31:40)=Dxi(aa,1:10);footy(a,31:40)=Dyi(aa,1:10);footz(a,31:40)=Dzi(aa,1:10); footx(n,41:50)=Jxi(nn,1:10);footy(n,41:50)=Jyi(nn,1:10);footz(n,41:50)=Jzi(nn,1:10); footx(a,41:50)=Exi(aa,1:10);footy(a,41:50)=Eyi(aa,1:10);footz(a,41:50)=Ezi(aa,1:10); footx(n,51:60)=Ixi(nn,1:10);footy(n,51:60)=Iyi(nn,1:10);footz(n,51:60)=Izi(nn,1:10); footx(a,51:60)=Fxi(aa,1:10);footy(a,51:60)=Fyi(aa,1:10);footz(a,51:60)=Fzi(aa,1:10); footx(n,61:71)=Hxi(nn,1:11);footy(n,61:71)=Hyi(nn,1:11);footz(n,61:71)=Hzi(nn,1:11); footx(a,61:71)=Gxi(aa,1:11);footy(a,61:71)=Gyi(aa,1:11);footz(a,61:71)=Gzi(aa,1:11);
%% Sphere piece
sphere_num=20; [X,Y,Z]=sphere(sphere_num);
Z(1:8,1:21) = 0; %is a semi-sphere
%% surface (footx) x (footy) x (footz)
%footy(I1:I2,I3:I4) = 2*Y(:,:)+15.5;
footxN = zeros(21,1); footxN(1:21,1) = NaN; footyN = zeros(21,1); footyN(1:21,1) = NaN; footzN = zeros(21,1); footzN(1:21,1) = NaN;
footzM = [footz footzN Z]; footxM = [footx footxN 2*X]; footyM = [footy footyN 2*Y+20];
hold on surf(footxM,footyM,footzM);
xlabel('x') ylabel('y') zlabel('z') axis equal
figure(2) clf('reset')
[solidx, solidy, solidz1] = surf2solid([footx], [footy], [footz]); [SX, SY,SZ] = surf2solid(2*X,2*Y,Z-0.5); solidz = zeros(27,77); solidz(3:25, 3:75) = solidz1(3:25, 3:75)-2.5;
SZ(:,1) = 6; SZ(:,2) = 6; SZ(:,26) =6; SZ(:,27) = 6;
solidxA = [solidx SX/7+1]; solidyA = [solidy SY/7+6]; solidzA = [solidz SZ/7-.3];
surf(solidxA, solidyA, solidzA);
xlabel('x') ylabel('y') zlabel('z') axis equal

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