How to resolve MATLAB 2014a Simulink error "must be monotonically increasing"?

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Currently, I am using MATLAB 2014a Simulink version. I want to generate PWM pulses for a switch. I am using repeating sequence generator and sinusoidal signal from sources library. Both are from simulink blocks category only. When I run the program.. following error appears..
"Values of BreakpointsForDimension1 in 'pv1/Repeating Sequence/Look-Up Table1' must be monotonically increasing. The problem occurs at the number 3 breakpoint. Please change the breakpoint data or use the fixedpoint tools such as Auto Scaling or Fixed-Point Advisor to determine a different parameter dialog type'.
same simulink file worked well in MATLAB 2012b version. I tried different suggestions, but did not work. Give me some suggestions regarding this.
Thank you. 

Answers (1)

Torsten on 3 Aug 2015
Order Values of BreakpointsForDimension1 in 'pv1/Repeating Sequence/Look-Up Table1' such that
Best wishes
yahoosreekanth on 3 Aug 2015
Repeating sequence will generate repeated values at regular intervals of time.. It wont give "value(1)<value(2)<...<value(n)<.". But the block available in simulink... I dont know why matlab placed such block if it wont work.
Torsten on 3 Aug 2015
The independent variable (I guess time) has to be ordered, not the dependent variable.
Best wishes

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