Hints on how to produce an uncompressed video file that can be read by QuickTime

11 views (last 30 days)
I need to make a movie from a set of images produced in Matlab for an article. The Journal demands that the video should be playable with the standard version of QuickTime. Since my images are only 34x34 pixels a compressed version of any kind looks like crap. The only nice setting Ive found to work is the Uncompressed AVI. However, it is not possible to play that file directly with QT.
I was hoping to be able to make a .dv film out of the .avi but haven't managed so far. I've tried Handbrake and VLC but have not found a reasonable setting for generating uncompressed video...
Does anyone have any hints?

Accepted Answer

Micke Malmström
Micke Malmström on 18 Aug 2015
I finally managed by downloading a third party software Bigasoft Total Video Converter. But the solution is not pretty.

More Answers (1)

Harsha Medikonda
Harsha Medikonda on 17 Aug 2015
Hi Micke,
I understand that you wish to create uncompressed video files that can be read by QuickTime.
You could use the "VideoWriter" function to create uncompressed video files that are supported by QuickTime. Refer to the following link for more details.
Micke Malmström
Micke Malmström on 18 Aug 2015
I forgot to mentioned that the uncompressed video files I want to convert are produced from "VideoWriter"
(Only the compressed files can be read by QT, not the uncompressed AVI)
So the question was really how to convert the uncompressed AVI from VideoWriter into something uncompressed that QT can open.
Harsha Medikonda
Harsha Medikonda on 18 Aug 2015
Edited: Harsha Medikonda on 18 Aug 2015
Refer to the list of supported formats for video files by Quick Time
Also, refer to the formats that can be created using the "VideoWriter" from the following link http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/videowriter-class.html
You can create .mp4 or .m4v files using "VideoWriter" that are supported by Quicktime.

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