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How can I assign the value of a variable out of other variables

1 view (last 30 days)
I have the following three variables:
p_g = input( 'k or l', 's');
p_a = input( 'v or s', 's');
p_n = input( 'Enter number', 's');
The value of the forth variable shall be build out of the other variables:
p_k = ['p_g''p_a''p_n']
For example:
p_g = 'k'
p_a = 'v'
p_n = '15'
p_k = kv15
  1 Comment
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 21 Sep 2015
When you write
p_k = kv15
do you mean that you want p_k to be assigned the string 'kv15' or do you mean that you want p_k to be assigned the content of the variable kv15 ?

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Accepted Answer

Guillaume on 21 Sep 2015
There are many ways to do this:
p_k = [p_g, p_a, num2str(p_n)]; %note the lack of quotes
Or my preference:
assert(mod(p_n, 1) == 0, 'p_n is not integer') %for the %d to work in sprintf, p_n must be integer
p_k = sprintf('%s%s%d', p_g, p_a, p_n);
And please, use more descriptive variable names.

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