How can I make a flat,horizontal line appear in Matlab when my values are less than zero?
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clear all; clc;
t = 0:.01:35;
h = height(t)
%Part C (maxima)---I swapped the order for the plotting
%max function
[xpsudeomax,ymax] = max(h(t));
xrealmax = t(ymax);
maxfunction = [xrealmax,ymax];
%fminbnd function
[xmax2,ymaxpsudeo]= fminbnd(@(t) (-1.*h(t)),0,30);
yrealmax = -1.*ymaxpsudeo;
format long g
fminbndmax = [xmax2,yrealmax] ;
%Part D --- awkward position was for plotting
[xzero,ypsuedozero]= fzero(@(t) h(t),20);
yrealzero = round(ypsuedozero);
ZERO = [xzero,yrealzero];
%Part B (height vs time)
hold on;
ylabel('altitude [m]');
xlabel('time [sec]');
title('Rocket Trajectory');
axis([0 35 0 1500]);
If you load this, you'll get a graph that stops at the red dot. I want a blue line to appear on the x-axis after it touches the red dot. How can I do this?
Answers (2)
on 26 Oct 2015
function h = height(t)
h = ((-9.8).*(2.^(-1))).*(t (:) .^2) + 125.*t(:) + 500;
h(h<0) = 0;
Image Analyst
on 25 Oct 2015
This is what I used:
function test3
clc; % Clear the command window.
t = 0:.01:35;
h = height(t)
%Part C (maxima)---I swapped the order for the plotting
%max function
[xpsudeomax,ymax] = max(h(t));
xrealmax = t(ymax);
maxfunction = [xrealmax,ymax];
%fminbnd function
[xmax2,ymaxpsudeo]= fminbnd(@(t) (-1.*h(t)),0,30);
yrealmax = -1.*ymaxpsudeo;
format long g
fminbndmax = [xmax2,yrealmax] ;
%Part D --- awkward position was for plotting
[xzero,ypsuedozero]= fzero(@(t) h(t),20);
yrealzero = round(ypsuedozero);
ZERO = [xzero,yrealzero];
%Part B (height vs time)
hold on;
ylabel('altitude [m]');
xlabel('time [sec]');
title('Rocket Trajectory');
axis([0 35 0 1500]);
function h = height(t)
h(:,1) = @(t) ((-9.8).*(2.^(-1))).*(t (:) .^2) + 125.*t(:) + 500;
%h(h<0) = 0; if h(t) <0 h=0 end end
and this is what it produces:

Then you say "you'll get a graph that stops at the red dot. I want a blue line to appear on the x-axis after it touches the red dot"
I'm not sure exactly what that means. What I would suggest you try is to either plot a red circle instead of a dot using 'ro' or plot the blue line after you plot the red dot/circle.
Walter Roberson
on 26 Oct 2015
The h that the poster created was a function handle. You cannot compare a function handle to 0.
Image Analyst
on 26 Oct 2015
Oh, right. That was unnecessary. Thorsten corrected it. Please Accept his answer.
See Also
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