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Create a table/matrix of strings

1 view (last 30 days)
cat cat
cat cat on 25 Jan 2016
Answered: Guillaume on 25 Jan 2016
I have a cell array with these strings:
From them, I want to obtain a matrix or a table like this
(43) (43)2
(43) (43)4 (43)42 (43)42(34)
0 04 042 0421 04212 042123
Can you help me?

Accepted Answer

Guillaume on 25 Jan 2016
Here is one way to do it:
c = {'(43)2'
substrings = regexp(c, '(?:\(\d+\))|\d', 'match');
result = cellfun(@(ss) arrayfun(@(n) [ss{1:n}], 1:numel(ss), 'UniformOutput', false), substrings, 'UniformOutput', false)

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