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Error with nested function to output history x values of FMINCON

1 view (last 30 days)
Hello, I want to retrieve the values of x at each iteration of an optimization routine using FMINCON. I've defined a nested function to save in history variable the x values. But, when I run the code, It says that I don't have enough inputs in line 4, which is where I call the fmincon. This is the nested function:
function OptimalResult = iteroutfun(x0,t,e)
history = [];
options=optimset('Display','iter', 'FunValCheck','on', 'OutputFcn', @myoutput);
OptimalResult = fmincon(@(x) ObjFunction3a(x,t,e), x0, [], [], [], [], [], [], @(x)ConstraintsOR3a(x,e,t), options);
function stop = myoutput(x,optimvalues,state);
stop = false;
if isequal(state, 'iter')
history = [history; x];
If someone has any idea of what is that I'm missing I'll appreciate it very much,
Thank you, Martha
Martha on 21 Feb 2016
Thank you Walter, I added the ObjFunction3a and the ConstraintsOR3a to the nested function and it worked well.

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