Timestamp of frame processing using peopleDetect

1 view (last 30 days)
I am using peopleDetect function to detect human object from video. I got the score from the peopleDetect method but now i need the time at which each frame was processed by peopleDetect function because i need to plot time vs score for some purpose. following code return score for each frame:
frameLeft = readerLeft.step();
% Detect people.
[bboxes,scores] = step(peopleDetector, frameLeft);
if ~isempty(bboxes)
% Find the centroids of detected people.
centroids = [round(bboxes(:, 1) + bboxes(:, 3) / 2), ...
round(bboxes(:, 2) + bboxes(:, 4) / 2)];
dispFrame = insertObjectAnnotation(frameLeft, 'rectangle' ,bboxes,scores);
dispFrame = frameLeft;
% Display the frame.
step(player, dispFrame);
how can i edit it to get time at each step as well?

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