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Rename variables used in stateflows

1 view (last 30 days)
Herve Demezil
Herve Demezil on 20 Oct 2016
Commented: Swarooph on 21 Oct 2016
Is there a way to rename variable in stateflows using a script method?
I want to do the same thing that the 'edit/find & replace in chart', but I want to do it by script.
PS: I'm using Matlab R2016a
  1 Comment
Swarooph on 21 Oct 2016
I don't think there is a straight forward way to do what you want using scripts. Take a look at the general programmatic interface for Stateflow . You might have to use a collection of those techniques to get your desired result. Couple of examples to start with:
  1. Create and Access Charts Using the Stateflow API
  2. Access Existing Stateflow Objects

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