Find the point of the polyfit curve intersecting the x axis

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I used the polyfit function to generate a slope across my 2d data points. However, I want to store the value of x, at which this curve intersects the x axis, thus ('something',0).
Any idea how to get this point? All i see is the y intercept, and the slope of the line., not the x intercept

Accepted Answer

KSSV on 26 Oct 2016
use interpolation again... Let (x,y) be the points you have.
When curve intersects 'x' axes. y = 0.
xi = interp1(y,x,0) ;
Tushar Agarwal
Tushar Agarwal on 26 Oct 2016
Thanks. However, what should I do if there are more than 1 values for y=0? I get an error for some of the plots saying 'only unique values'
KSSV on 26 Oct 2016
Check for x(y==0); It will give multiple values.Pick what you want.

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