Exporting data sets to excel
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I'm doing curve fitting.Firstly I read some data-sets from excel into matlab using xlsread.Then in the curve fitting toolbox I created some exclusion rules for the data sets.
I now want to bring these data sets (after creation of exclusion rules) to an xls file.
Please can anyonme advise how to do this please?
Answers (2)
on 7 Mar 2012
xlswrite is what you'll want to use. Correct usage can be found in the help, but I'll put it here for you:
xlswrite(filename, data, sheet, range)
So say you want to write matrix A to an excel file with the name myfile.xls, on sheet 1, starting at cell A1:
xlswrite('myfile.xls', A, 'Sheet 1', 'A1')
Keep in mind that if you just put 'A1', and say you have a 3x5 matrix, your data will be written to A1:C5. Sheet can either be a string with the name of the sheet, or an integer value for the sheet index.
Hope that helps.
on 7 Mar 2012
Does the fit data come with a plot? You could always go old school and get the data directly from the plot to the workspace using get(gco, 'xdata') and get(gco, 'ydata'). That could be an option, I don't have much experience with cftool.
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