I have a matrix of predictors size (M x N), where N is the number of predictors (cols) and M is the number of observations (rows). I have a vector of responses 1x M. I wish to somehow calculate the betas. The data is timeseries data, so alignment of values is critical.
Some of the predictor data is NaN. Matlab deals with this by:
wasnan = (isnan(y) | any(isnan(X),2));
havenans = any(wasnan);
if havenans
y(wasnan) = [];
X(wasnan,:) = [];
n = length(y);
If there is NaNs on any one row it will remove the entire row. The problem is every row contains a Nan for one of the predictors. hence regress sets the entire dataset to empty. Somehow I would like my regression function to just ignore Nans and so for the point when there is a nan, the total number of predictors will just change. I see some people on here have tried to deal with this by a sort of rolling regression.
I cant set the NaN to zero or to the last valid value, as this would mean something for my results.I should point out that strictly my data isnt missing (ie lost) but actually doesnt exist for these points in time.
Does anyone know of a more intelligent way that Matlab can be used to deal with missing data? Thank you