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can i use two functions in a same program? when i used like that not getting output for second function

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My main program is here
function mrner()
global M Mt hmodem bit_T
mode = 1;
M = 16;
Mt = 4;
Mr = 4;
bit_SMsym = log2(M*Mt); % number of bit per sysmbol
Nbits = bit_SMsym*1e4; % Number of bits to be simulated.
hmodem = modem.qammod('M',M, 'SymbolOrder', 'Gray','InputType', 'bit');
hdemodem = modem.qamdemod('M', M,'SymbolOrder','Gray','OutputType','bit');
Eac = (mean(hmodem.Constellation .* conj(hmodem.Constellation)));
SNR = 0 : 2 :24; % signal-to-noise ratio in dB
No= (Eac)*10.^(-SNR/10); % noise variance
ber= zeros (L_SNR,1);
bit_R=zeros(Nbits, 1);
bit_T = randi([0 1],Nbits,1);
[mod_T ante]= SpatialMod();
mod_T = mod_T.';
for ii=1:L_SNR
for j = 1 : size(mod_T ,2)
channel = sqrt(.5)*( randn(Mr,Mt,1) + 1i*randn(Mr,Mt,1));
noise = sqrt(.5)*(randn(Mr , 1) + 1i*randn(Mr , 1))* sqrt(No(ii));
p = diag(channel'*channel);
switch mode
case 1
y = channel(:,ante(j))*(mod_T(ante(j) ,j)./sqrt(p(ante(j)))) + noise;
z = (channel'*y)./p.^.5;
case 2
y = channel(:,ante(j)) * mod_T(ante(j) ,j) + noise ;
z = (channel'*y)./p;
[UnUsEdVaRiAbLe_To_IgNoRe, ant_est] = max(abs(z));
bi_ant = de2bi(ant_est - 1 , log2(Mt) ,'left-msb');
bi_mod = demodulate(hdemodem, z(ant_est,1) );
bit_R( (j-1)*bit_SMsym+1 : (j-1)*bit_SMsym+bit_SMsym,1) = [bi_ant.' ; bi_mod];
[UnUsEdVaRiAbLe_To_IgNoRe,ber(ii,1)] = biterr(bit_T(:,1),bit_R(:));
grid on;
hold on;
function mrner1()
global M Mt hmodem1 bit_T
mode1 = 1;
M = 16;
Mt = 4;
Mr1 = 4;
bit_SMsym1 = log2(M*Mt); % number of bit per sysmbol
Nbits1 = bit_SMsym1*1e4; % Number of bits to be simulated.
hmodem1 = modem.qammod('M',M, 'SymbolOrder', 'Gray','InputType', 'bit');
hdemodem1 = modem.qamdemod('M', M,'SymbolOrder','Gray','OutputType','bit');
Eac1 = (mean(hmodem1.Constellation .* conj(hmodem1.Constellation)));
SNR1 = 0 : 2 :24; % signal-to-noise ratio in dB
No1= (Eac1)*10.^(-SNR1/10); % noise variance
ber1= zeros (L_SNR1,1);
bit_R1=zeros(Nbits1, 1);
bit_T = randi([0 1],Nbits1,1);
[mod_T ante]= SpatialMod1();
mod_T = mod_T.';
for pp=1:L_SNR1
for f = 1 : size(mod_T ,2)
nak1 = random('gam',m1,P_avg1/m1,[Mr1,Mt ,1]); % generation of RV
nakagami1=sqrt(nak1); % generation of gamma RV
phase1=random('unif',-pi,pi,[Mr1,Mt ,1]); % uniform distributed phase
channel1=nakagami1.*exp(1i*phase1);% nakagami channel
noise1 = sqrt(.5)*(randn(Mr1 , 1) + 1i*randn(Mr1 , 1))* sqrt(No1(pp));
p1 = diag(channel'*channel);
switch mode
case 1
*bold* y1 = channel(:,ante(f))*(mod_T(ante(f) ,f)./sqrt(p1(ante(f)))) + noise1;
z1 = (channel1'*y1)./p1.^.5;
case 2
y1 = channel1(:,ante(f)) * mod_T(ante(f) ,f) + noise1 ;
z1 = (channel1'*y1)./p1;
[UnUsEdVaRiAbLe_To_IgNoRe,ant_est] = max(abs(z1));
bi_ant = de2bi(ant_est - 1 , log2(Mt) ,'left-msb');
bi_mod = demodulate(hdemodem1, z1(ant_est,1) );
bit_R1( (f-1)*bit_SMsym1+1 : (f-1)*bit_SMsym1+bit_SMsym1,1) = [bi_ant.' ; bi_mod];
[UnUsEdVaRiAbLe_To_IgNoRe,ber1(pp,1)] = biterr(bit_T(:,1),bit_R(:));
title('BER performance of MRT over Rayleigh and Nakagami fading channel')
legend('MRT over Rayleigh','MRT over Nakagami');
*Function spatialmod used in main program is here*
function [signal ant_no]= SpatialMod()
global M Mt hmodem bit_T
Nt = log2(Mt);
Nobit = log2(M);
x1 = reshape(bit_T,Nobit+Nt,[]);
ant_no = bi2de([x1(1:Nt,:)].' , 'left-msb') + 1;
digMod = modulate(hmodem,x1(Nt+1:end,:));
signal = zeros(Mt , length(digMod));
for i = 1 : length(digMod)
signal( ant_no(i) , i) = digMod(i);
signal = signal.';
Jan on 28 Jan 2017
Edited: Jan on 28 Jan 2017
Please use the "{} Code" button to format the code. Currently it is painful to read.
While we see a big block of code, it does not get clear to me, which lines concern your question. I assume removing the computational details by editing the question would help to understand, what your question is. Of course you can use multiple functions in a code, to be exact: you are calling multiple functions already.
dpb on 28 Jan 2017
function mrner()
global M Mt hmodem bit_T
This is a verybadidea; use an argument list or a structure containing the parameters need for the function instead of global
function mrner1()
global M Mt hmodem1 bit_T
And this is also...looks like you've duplicated a complete function and changed only data parameters inside the two copies. That also is what the parameter list is for; write (and debug and maintain) only one copy of the function and pass it the necessary data to invoke multiple cases.

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