How to remove top dendogram from clustergram plot

4 views (last 30 days)
Basically I want to cluster both along the rows and columns with clustergram(), but I cannot find a way to hide the top dendodogram in the final plot.

Answers (1)

Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 3 Nov 2020
"I cannot find a way to hide the top dendodogram in the final plot."
% create clustergram
cg = clustergram(rand(10,10));
% Get figure handle
cgfig = findall(0,'type','figure', 'Tag', 'Clustergram');
% Get dendrogram axes
dendroAxRow = findall(cgfig,'Tag','DendroRowAxes');
dendroAxCol = findall(cgfig,'Tag','DendroColAxes');
% Set their visibility to off
set(dendroAxRow.Children, 'Visible', 'off')
set(dendroAxCol.Children, 'Visible', 'off')
% Alternatively, delete them:
% delete(dendroAxRow)
% delete(dendroAxCol)
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