flipud will not work anymore
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Vince Clementi
on 18 Sep 2017
Commented: Steven Lord
on 26 Sep 2017
Hi all,
I am creating a global map and using the cmocean colorbar options. I need to show depth below sea level, so for a few of the color options, I need to invert the colorbar direction. I did this a few months ago using the 'flipud' function and it worked flawlessly. However, I am trying to do the same thing again and it will not work. Am I missing something (code below)? Thanks!
[Z, refvec] = etopo('etopo1_ice_c_i2.bin', samplefactor);
geoshow(Z, refvec, 'DisplayType', 'surface');
cmap = cmocean(flipud('deep'),'5');
demcmap(Z, 256, cmap, [.25 .25 .25]);
c = colorbar
set(c, 'ylim', [-10000 0]);
Accepted Answer
Chad Greene
on 26 Sep 2017
The simplest solution is to use the - sign when calling cmocean. So instead of
cmap = cmocean('deep','5');
cmap = cmocean('-deep','5');
More Answers (2)
Henry Giddens
on 18 Sep 2017
It looks like you are calling flipud on the string 'deep', which will return the string 'deep'. I dont know what you cmocean command does (I am guessing it returns a colormap with 5 rows), but it looks like you may want to change this line to:
cmap = flipud(cmocean('deep','5'));
Walter Roberson
on 18 Sep 2017
flipud('deep') means the same as flipud(['d', 'e', 'e', 'p']) which is asking to flip a 1 x 4 char array upside down, which would get you the same array ['d', 'e', 'e', 'p']
Steven Lord
on 26 Sep 2017
Of course not.
Now if you had called fliplr or flip instead ... :)
>> fliplr('deep')
ans =
>> flip('deep')
ans =
See Also
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