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p values from correlation matrix using nancov

7 views (last 30 days)
I have a matrix A 225x13 containing missing values.
Because of the missing values I can not use corrcoef for my correlation matrix. Nor can I use [r,p].
So my current code looks like this:
Cov_A = nancov(A)
R = corrcov(Cov_A)
With corrcoef it would definetely be easier to just:
[r,p] = corrcoef(B);
[i,p] = find(p<0.05);
How do I get the same results, meaning r and p with "corrcov"? Or is it even possible to get pvalues with corrcov??

Accepted Answer

Brendan Hamm
Brendan Hamm on 22 Sep 2017
The corrcoef function accepts Name-Value pair inputs to handle missing data.
[r,p] = corrcoeff(B,'rows','complete')
[r,p] = corcoeff(B,'rows','pairwise')

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