LPC Analysis ( picking the same segment )

1 view (last 30 days)
tareq ALTALMAS on 16 Oct 2017
Answered: Sana Batool on 27 Mar 2018
hi and good day to all of you, i am doing LPC analysis on letters so i recorded letters separately when i want to extract LPC coefficients i need to analyses over 20ms the width of each letter about 700ms that mean we have 35 segments if i make the LPC to compare the results of same letter from 10 speakers i must select the same segment to be compared how can i do that ? what is the per-process to make the recorded samples same in the width (normalize the time)? thanks

Answers (1)

Sana Batool
Sana Batool on 27 Mar 2018
I want to do signal processing in matlab. The code of LPC is available in this link https://www.mathworks.com/help/dsp/examples/lpc-analysis-and-synthesis-of-speech.html. The code is working fine as it is but when I separate the analysis and synthesis part it is not recovering the speech. I am storing the output of LPC analysis i-e sigk and siglpc in mat files and then again reading the data of sigk and siglpc from mat files and giving data to LPC synthesis but speech is not recovering back.

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