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mex-file creation

1 view (last 30 days)
dario cecchetti
dario cecchetti on 13 Nov 2017
Closed: MATLAB Answer Bot on 20 Aug 2021
I was trying to create a mex-file, however I can't do it beacuse Matlab shows the following error: Class function_handle is not support by coder Type. I wrote the following script and functions to calculate the solution of non-linear equation.
ep=10^(-6); % tollerance
itermax=50; % number max of iterations
a=0; % a,b initial interval
[x,iter] = Bisection(@f,a,b,ep,itermax)
function [x,iter] = Bisection(f,a,b,ep,itermax)
% Function for the solution of the non-linear equation
% f(x)=0
% by the BISECTION method
% INPUT data:
% f name of the MATLAB function implementing
% the non-linear function
% a,b initial interval [a,b]
% such that f(a)f(b) < 0
% ep tolerance (>0)
% OUTPUT data:
% x solution of the non-linear equation
% iter number of performed iterations
fa = feval(f,a);
fb = feval(f,b);
if fa*fb > 0
fprintf('\n\nThe initial interval does not satisfy f(a)f(b) < 0.')
% while abs(a-b) > ep+eps*max(abs(a),abs(b))
while abs(a-b) >= 2*ep && (iter < itermax)
mid = (a+b)/2;
fmid = feval(f,mid);
if fa*fmid<=0
% root in [a,mid].
b = mid;
fb = fmid;
% root in [mid,b].
a = mid;
fa = fmid;
x = (a+b)/2;
function [ y ] = f( x )
  1 Comment
Jan on 13 Nov 2017
You forgot to mention, when the error occurs. Do I understand correctly, that the shown code works reliable in Matlab and it fails only, if you try to compile it? Then please explain, if compiling is really needed.

Answers (1)

Jan on 13 Nov 2017
Edited: Jan on 13 Nov 2017
Jan on 13 Nov 2017
Did you read my answer?
dario cecchetti
dario cecchetti on 13 Nov 2017
of course, I answered at your following answer "You forgot to mention, when the error occurs. Do I understand correctly, that the shown code works reliable in Matlab and it fails only, if you try to compile it? Then please explain, if compiling is really needed." Then I checked your second answer and I couldn't to solve it. I'm sorry but my english it's not very good.

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