correlation shows NaN values?

3 views (last 30 days)
Lilya on 20 Dec 2017
Commented: Jos (10584) on 21 Dec 2017
Hi all,
I would like to calculate the correlation between two vectors (1*744) for each. but the correlation output gives a matrix (744*744) contains NaNs with no number in the matrix.
Any help will be appreciated.

Accepted Answer

Birdman on 20 Dec 2017
Try corrcoef
Lilya on 21 Dec 2017
Thank you for your clarification Jos. Do you recommend one of them?
Jos (10584)
Jos (10584) on 21 Dec 2017
My pleasure. You can use random sampling, for instance. Replace the NaNs by values sampled from the rest of the data vector. The advantage is that it, in the long run, preserves both the mean and the variance of the original data (whereas mean imputing only preserves the mean). You also might consider bootstrapping this procedure to get a better estimate of the correlation with another vector. If X is your original vector:
Xcopy = X ;
tf = isnan(X) ;
Xcopy(tf) = randsample(X(~tf), sum(tf), true)
You also should analyse whether your missing data is (completely) random or not, as this would influence the inferences you can make.

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