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finding the minimum value

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kash on 10 May 2012
I have a code performing inverse dualtree dwt
for j1 = 1:size(A1_20,3)
for j = 1:J
% loop thru subbands
for s1 = 1:2
for s2 = 1:3
w{j}{s1}{s2} =A1_20(:,:,j1);
y1 = idualtree2D(w, J, Fsf, sf);
Er= mean2((single(x) - single(y1)).^2);
I have 5 images w denotes it,and A1_20(:,:,j1) contains 20 matrices of ,I have multiplied those matrices,with image so for each image i get 20 images and have found error,now i want to display the image with minimum error ,like this i want to do for 5 images
please help

Answers (2)

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski on 10 May 2012
Use the second output argument from min() and the correct dim input to min() to tell you where the minimum is.
  1 Comment
kash on 10 May 2012
Sean i cant understand ,please can you explain it please ,if possible with an example

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Sargondjani on 10 May 2012
i have difficulty understanding your code... but lets say you have: w(:,:,1:5)
you can add another loop (iw=1:5;), store the errors in a vector: Er(iw,1).
[value,index]=min(Er); %if Er is not a vector, then add the dimension (like Sean says)
w(:,:,index) gives you the matrix that minimized the error
something like that
kash on 11 May 2012
Sargondjani i think i did not explain you well,
1.i have 5 images,i am passing it to a loop,one by one
2.ten i am multiplying each image by the matrix A1_20(:,:,j1),where this matrix contains 20 matrix values of zeros and ones, for 1st image i get 20 matices.(images),in this i want to find the image having minimum error ..
4.finally i want to do for all 5 images
Sargondjani on 11 May 2012
do you understand my method??
i mean, i prefer not to spell out solutions, but to give exampls so you can figure out the details yourself :-)

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