How to plot functions within a range?

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My question is how to plot trigonometric functions within a specified range. This is the code fragment from the script
x = linspace(-2*pi, 2*pi);
y = tan(x);
dy = diff(y);
When I run the code I receive de following error.
Error using plot
Vectors must be the same length.
Any sort of help and advice is more than welcome

Accepted Answer

Sujit Muduli
Sujit Muduli on 7 Mar 2018
Edited: Sujit Muduli on 7 Mar 2018
Hi Jose,
It is clear from the error that there are mismatches in the size of the arguments that you have provided to plot function. I checked the size of dy is 99 where rest are 100.
I don't know what is your exact use case here, but you may modify your logic a bit to work around this error by making length(dy) = 100.
Here is the documentation link for plot function which you may find useful,

More Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 7 Mar 2018
You are applying diff() to a numeric array. That is defined by simple numeric differences.
If you were to use points closer and closer together then the mathematical limit as the distance approaches 0 would be the calculus differentiation. But only in the limit: numeric diff() approximates derivative half way between points.

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