Problems using hold on when plot figure

3 views (last 30 days)
My code
colors = repmat('krgbmc',1,300) ;
Rtot =20;
L = 0:0.01:200 ;
KDs = 10:20:90 ;
hold on
for i=1:length(KDs)
KD = KDs(i) ;
LR = Rtot*L./(L + KD) ;
LR_all(i,:) = LR ;
hold on
plot(L,LR,colors(i)) ;
figurelegend(i) = ['K_D = ', int2str(KD),'uM'];
xlabel('[Ligand] (uM)')
ylabel('[Ligand-Receptor] (uM)')
  1 Comment
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 12 Mar 2018
What difficulty do you observe?
You are asking to create a new figure for each plot. Is that your intent?

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Accepted Answer

Santosh Prasad Choudhury
Santosh Prasad Choudhury on 12 Mar 2018
Please replace your code by figurelegend{i} = ['K_D = ', int2str(KD),'uM']; and you are creating somany figures? Please let me know your intention.
  1 Comment
Tam Ho
Tam Ho on 12 Mar 2018
Works perfectly. Thanks! I wanted all plots on one graph.

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More Answers (1)

Santosh Prasad Choudhury
Santosh Prasad Choudhury on 12 Mar 2018
colors = repmat('krgbmc',1,300) ; Rtot =20; L = 0:0.01:200 ; KDs = 10:20:90 ; figure hold on for i=1:length(KDs) KD = KDs(i) ; LR = Rtot*L./(L + KD) ; LR_all(i,:) = LR ; plot(L,LR,colors(i)) ; figurelegend{i} = ['K_D = ', int2str(KD),'uM']; end xlabel('[Ligand] (uM)') ylabel('[Ligand-Receptor] (uM)') legend(figurelegend,'Location','SouthEast')
Please use above code and you will get your answer.

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