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Rotating a cylinder by 90 degrees

17 views (last 30 days)
I've generated a cylinder as follows: [x,y,z]=cylinder([0,10,10,0],100);
axis equal; I want to have the cylinder lying flat i.e. a rotation by 90d degrees. I've tried using the rotate function but couldn't get it to work, any suggestions?

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 23 Mar 2018
I don’t understand what your problem with rotate is.
Try these:
hm = mesh(x,y,z);
rotate(hm, [1 0 0], 90)
axis equal
hm = mesh(x,y,z);
rotate(hm, [0 1 0], 90)
axis equal
hm = mesh(x,y,z);
rotate(hm, [1 1 0], 45)
axis equal
  1 Comment
Julien Cotton
Julien Cotton on 9 Feb 2021
Those lines do not work for me : get the following error :
Error using horzcat
Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent.
Error in rotate (line 49)
tmp =r*[x(:) y(:)]';

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