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How to split data by classes?

5 views (last 30 days)
z donyavi
z donyavi on 7 Apr 2018
Answered: KSSV on 7 Apr 2018
I have a matrix with dimensions of 95 * 8. The data has three classes of 1,0 and -1. I want to give each class the data in a matrix named preclass (i),'i' is class name, and this is done with a 'for' loop.

Accepted Answer

KSSV on 7 Apr 2018
Let A be your data of size 95*8 and T be your classes 95*1 with three classes -1,0,1. To seperate the data:
preclass = cell(3,1) ;
class = [-1 0 1] ;
for i = 1:3
preclass{i} = A(T==class(i),:) ;

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