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Alma #Tezpur University Assam, India
of 296,109
16 Questions
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How to calculate gradient of 512*512*4 image?
This 512×512×4 representation corresponds to four channels. It simplifies the computation of gradients for individual channels. ...
2 days ago | 0
How to create a polar histogram in Matlab using a text file
% Load the data with import options filename = 'Mlf_waves2014.txt'; opts = detectImportOptions(filename, 'FileType', 'text', '...
7 days ago | 0
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Forward, Reverse finite difference question
In your code, you have written both forward and reverse functions identically, please check it again and make the reverse code. ...
7 days ago | 1
Error Correction Code for Images
That Hamming code is a special case of Hamming code. The total number of bits is 7, while the number of data bits is 4. It means...
7 days ago | 0
How to count the amount of small squares in this picture?
Approximate Way: image_input=imread('image file name'); image_bw=imbinarize(rgb2gray(image_input)); cc=bwconncomp(image_bw)...
7 days ago | 0
Compute a function that has Double summation
Q1 = @(n) (1/alpha_3b)^(n + 2) * (1/alpha_1)^2 * ... (sum((alpha_3b/alpha_1).^(1:10000)) * sum((alpha_3b/alpha_3).^(1:n+1))...
1 year ago | 0
Importing dat files as a double matrix
Example #Edited (Pls Check Comments) data = readmatrix('yourfile.dat'); data = double(importdata('yourfile.dat'));
1 year ago | 0
Related to BER Vs SNR plot
As you've mentioned that the code involves the generation of random or sample data (rand function), each time the code is execut...
1 year ago | 0
Trying to get multiple graphs in one script
If you want to display all plots in the same figure, utilize 'hold on.' For multiple sub-figures, consider using the 'subplot' f...
1 year ago | 1
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Alphabet to binary translate
% Existing binMap and binaryToText function binMap = {'0000001', 'A'; '0000010', 'B'; '0000011', 'C'; '0000100'...
1 year ago | 0
Is there a way to combine plots generated in simbiology model analyzer into a single figure to export?
I don't think you have to export differently % First subplot for time courses subplot(2, 1, 1); % Plot time courses using da...
1 year ago | 0
How to address: Invalid file identifier. Use fopen to generate a valid file identifier?
fid = fopen('/dev/tty', 'r'); if fid == -1 error('Failed to open /dev/tty for writing.'); end fprintf(fid, 'Details of...
1 year ago | 0
adding lines to a contour plot with labels
x1 = -10:0; y1=10:-1:0; x2 = 0:10; y2=0:10; x3=zeros*(0:10); y3=0:10; plot(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,'--'); text(x1(round(le...
1 year ago | 0
plot a inear sweep & stepped sweep
t=0:8:100; f=linspace(20,2000,length(t)); stairs(t,f); xlabel('Time'); ylabel('Frequency'); hold on plot(0:100,linspace(20...
1 year ago | 0
Use interp2 to transform a binary matrix with polar values to cartesian values
bscan=rgb2gray(imread('image.png')); result=image2Cart(double(bscan)); imshow(result); function [bscanCart] = image2Cart(bsca...
1 year ago | 0
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Andrews plot function for multivariate control chart limits UCL and LCL
syms theta % P variate vector %Cross check here, just random data, it can be variable p=10; data_sin=sin((1:round(p/2)+1)...
1 year ago | 0
display corresponding column matrix
A = [1 3 5 ; 2 4 5 ; 5 4 7 ; 2 8 10] B = [29 87 15] idx=find(min(B)==B) data=A(:,idx) It can be condensed into a single line...
1 year ago | 0
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Gershgorin's Circle: how can I find the intersection of the union of circles?
warning off; % gerschgorin.m A=magic(5); gerschgorin(A) function gerschgorin(A) if size(A,1) ~= size(A,2) err...
1 year ago | 0
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Will the MATLAB Answers community diminish/obsolete with the rise of AI-based chatbots?
The MATLAB Answers community is an invaluable resource for all MATLAB users, providing selfless assistance and support. However,...
1 year ago | 5 answers | 1
answersHow can I normalize my PET/CT images
Normalization can be done in multiple scale range. You may follow the following way image_data=double(original_image) %Norma...
1 year ago | 0
the best way to save .txt
While I cannot definitively claim that it is the absolute best, as "best" is subjective and varies depending on individual persp...
1 year ago | 1
how do I plot the signal x(t)=t^2 for -2<=abs(t)<=2 and x(t)=0 for 2<=abs(t)<=4, with period To=8??
First Way: To meet your professor's expectations, you can code by incorporating conditional statements or utilizing the if-el...
1 year ago | 0
How can I add axes on top and right?
This way legend('Case 1', 'case 2'); legend_data= legend('Line 1', 'Line 2'); legend_data.Location = 'northwest';
1 year ago | 1
How do you know the font size in an image?
One Way (Limitation based on Input Data): Steps Segment the Text region of the image. Try for text region detection, you can ac...
1 year ago | 0
Error using ==> plot Error in color/linetype argument
s=1.34*10^-5; mo=1.34*10^-5; z=16.87*10^-4; x=2.51*10^7; k=103; r=linspace(0,2,50); F=(s./r.^2)*mo*exp(z).*(exp(-x*r.^2))....
1 year ago | 1
Save and load variable
You may use load function, detail here https://in.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/load.html
1 year ago | 0
How to find the minimum distance from one point to other point ?
You can do that in multiple ways, one way Segment both boundaries into two separate images. Store the pixel indices in a cell...
1 year ago | 0
How to get numerical output
You can use vpa https://in.mathworks.com/help/symbolic/vpa.html
1 year ago | 0
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Hi everyone. How can I fix this issue?>>>Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.
Error Here >> t - N + 1 ans = -1 hence in MTALAB Y1(-1) is not valid statement, all indices must be real & positive number ...
1 year ago | 0
Why doesn't it work? - Different size between Left side and Right side
phi(:, j)' * F(t(i)) / ((omega(j)^2) - (2*zeta(j)*omega(j)*1i) - (omega(j)^2)); The result of the above statement is vector, no...
1 year ago | 0