Closing all figures, but not GUI
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How do I use "close command" to close all the other figures, but not the main GUI?
Actually here is a case in which a main GUI is opened and some other figures too. If I use "close all" it closes all figures including the GUI. Show me a way to close only the other figures.
Accepted Answer
Image Analyst
on 27 May 2012
I think you should be able to set handle visibility of your gui to 'off' then close all (which now won't see your figure) then turn it back on. You can do this:
set(handleToYourMainGUI, 'HandleVisibility', 'off');
close all;
set(handleToYourMainGUI, 'HandleVisibility', 'on');
Here's a fully tested demo, guaranteed to work:
% Open 8 figures.
% Create figure 2 and get it's handle.
% We're not interested in getting the handles of the other figures.
h2 = figure(2);
% Now close all except figure 2.
% First make figure 2 invisible.
set(h2, 'HandleVisibility', 'off');
% Close all visible figures. This won't include figure 2
uiwait(msgbox('Click OK to close all but figure 2'));
% Close all visible figures. This won't include figure 2
close all;
% Now make figure 2's handle visible again.
set(h2, 'HandleVisibility', 'on');
Image Analyst
on 14 Dec 2016
If you want to make your axes vanish with GUIDE, I think the best way is to make the axes contained within a panel and then set the visibility of the panel to 'off'. Simply setting the visibility of the axes or doing "axis off" doesn't seem to work because the axes is a whole bunch of things, namely the x and y axes themselves, the tick marks and tick labels, the contents of the axes (line plots, images, text strings, etc.), the title, the x and y labels, etc. You'd have to set all of those things' visibility. It's much easier to just put the whole thing into a panel and set the panel visibility with one call.
on 15 Dec 2016
Edited: R G
on 15 Dec 2016
i am really not sure about that. But i think close clause also kill Guide panel. So even if i set visibility off for any panel on Guide, it will be closed also. I think I need to set visibility off for Guide or I need another "close clause" what kill only figure but not Guide, right.
More Answers (7)
Omri Mamo
on 14 Dec 2016
Edited: Omri Mamo
on 14 Dec 2016
I think the best way to do it is by the 'Tag' property:
% get( handles.output , 'Tag' ) is the 'Tag' of the GUI
Figures = findobj( 'Type', 'Figure' , '-not' , 'Tag' , get( handles.output , 'Tag' ) );
NFigures = length( Figures );
for nFigures = 1 : NFigures;
close( Figures( nFigures ) );
1 Comment
on 17 Aug 2017
I was using a similar approach in looking for figures and closing only those without tags, albeit your approach is much more elegant. I like the way you used the inclusive/exclusive features in findobj(...). Your method can also be simplified to the following:
if true
% get( handles.output , 'Tag' ) is the 'Tag' of the GUI
Figures = findobj('Type','Figure','-not','Tag',get(handles.output,'Tag'));
per isakson
on 27 May 2012
There is no simple way to do that in Matlab.
In the FEX there are some contribution, which try to provide help, e.g. fig.m / closefig.m and Close all figures except those listed. There are more.
You can make your own function. Here is something to getting started. Put it under a shortcut on the toolbar. Refine it successively to meet new needs. Replacing findobj with findall might not be a good idea.
function keep_guis
fig_h = permute( findobj( 0, 'Type', 'Figure' ), [2,1] );
for fh = fig_h
uih = findobj( fh, 'Type', 'uicontrol' );
if isempty( uih )
delete( fh );
Here a GUI is defined as a figure with a visible uicontrol.
Khawaja Asim
on 27 May 2012
Image Analyst
on 27 May 2012
I have a Ph.D. in optics. During my Ph.D. I worked on a laser scanning ophthalmoscope for a year or two, though my main research was in radiology. I do algorithm development (and GUI development) full time as my job and have been doing to for over 30 years. I develop apps for other people in our company to run to do their own image analysis. I don't want the tedious job of analyzing their images - I'll leave that up to them and I'll just develop the program for them. You can look up my profile to get as much information as I want to share publicly. I work in the USA. Good luck in your research.
Mike Swickrath
on 1 Dec 2016
Hi all,
I had a different situation. I have figure numbers that dynamically change. Depending on the user, and their session in the GUI I developed, the figure numbers take on integer values in an arbitrary way ( artifact of not knowing I would want to close all open figures except the GUI before I started programming the GUI).
Many of the solutions above probably would have worked in my case if I would have identified a need for this functionality about 5000 lines of code before now. Alas, I am in a different situation and needed to be a little more creative. I hope this helps some of you.
Anyway, my solution was to use a combo of Daniel's technique along with a technique to count figures posted elsewhere ( counting figures ).
% Detect all figures - close the figures that are not the GUI
nfh=length(fh); % Total number of open figures, including GUI and figures with visibility 'off'
% Scan through open figures - GUI figure number is [] (i.e. size is zero)
for i = 1:nfh
% Close all figures with a Number size is greater than zero
if sum(size(fh(i).Number)) > 0
Larry McDermott
on 10 Jan 2017
Mike: Your code was exactly what I was looking for, worked like a charm! Thanks!
Bhavanithya Thiraviaraja
on 16 Nov 2022
Thank you this worked for me.
Additional tip: If you don't want the figure to pop up in the line figure(fh(i).Number), you can just give close(fh(i).Number) directly
on 14 May 2014
I was using the publish command to write hundreds of figures into an HTML file. I found the accepted answer here to be problematic then. But I used a neat work-around:
In case you are able to count the number of figures, which should be rather straight forward by using a global parameter that can be increased in any function where you are plotting figures, there is a very simple trick to close all figures except the GUI.
for i = 1:no_of_open_figures
This trick is based on the assumption that all your figures will be on top of the GUI, which should always be the case except if there is interaction with the GUI between plotting.
Andreas Martin
on 9 May 2018
I use the following code to close all figures but first:
h = findall( 0, 'type', 'figure' ); % Find all figures
h = setdiff( h, 1 ); % Exclude first figure (1)
h.delete % Delete 'em
Gordon Fox
on 21 Feb 2023
I had the same issue with a GUI and fixed it by including the following setting in the main GUI figure creation.
'HandleVisibility', 'callback'
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