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error when im trying to save

14 views (last 30 days)
UPT on 3 Jun 2012
Hi trying to make a load short forecasting but in one of the steps i cant go on because of this error: *??? Error using ==> save Unable to write file Data\testSet: No such file or directory.*..could you help me?thanks
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 3 Jun 2012
Your code would be more robust if you had a special folder for your data files and didn't mix your data files in with your m-files, fig files, and other files. Learn how to use uigetdir(), uigetfile(), fullfile(), exist(), and mkdir().
UPT on 3 Jun 2012
thanks for your help,especially you walter roberson..

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Accepted Answer

Thomas on 3 Jun 2012
save('testSet.mat','testDates', 'testX' , 'testY') %to save it in the current directory
or create a directory called Data and use
save('Data\testSet.mat','testDates', 'testX' , 'testY') % to save in Data dir
or just add the follwing in a line above the save command
mkdir('Data'); % this should create the data directory

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