How to execute LBP code
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I have downloaded efficient LBP code from matlab exchange code .but i facing some errors I have downloaded LBP code from other website This is the main file I=imread('D:\Fire-smoke\kurangani-photos\k4.jpg'); mapping=getmapping(8,'u2'); H1=lbp(I,1,8,'mapping','h'); %LBP histogram in (8,1) neighborhood %H1=lbp(I,1,8,0,'h'); %LBP histogram in (8,1) neighborhood %using uniform patterns subplot(2,1,1),stem(H1);
SP=[-1 -1; -1 0; -1 1; 0 -1; -0 1; 1 -1; 1 0; 1 1];
I2=lbp(I,SP,0,'i'); %LBP code image using sampling points in SP
%and no mapping. Now H2 is equal to histogram
%of I2.
I have attached the lbp.m and gettingmapping.m file
When i tried to execute main.m i am getting this error
Attempt to execute SCRIPT hist as a function: C:\Mathworks Matlab R2015a (64-Bit)-[FirstUploads]\programs\hist.m
Error in lbp (line 158) result=hist(result(:),0:(bins-1));
Error in newLBPCheck (line 3) H1=lbp(I,1,8,'mapping','h'); %LBP histogram in (8,1) neighborhood
please help me
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