Updating 'Base' workspace values using a GUI

6 views (last 30 days)
Craig Saunders
Craig Saunders on 30 Jul 2018
Commented: Stephen23 on 30 Jul 2018
Hi all,
I would like to update a set of values in my 'base' workspace via a GUI by getting a user to enter values into separate 'edit text' fields and once a button is clicked, all values are sent to the 'base' workspace and updated. I have tried inputdlg however this is very basic and I'd prefer if someone provided an example using uicontrol or GUIDE.
I don't mind doing this via GUIDE or programmatically, however I'm completely new to this so I'd love to see an example code that I can use which simply allows a user to enter a value, hit a button, and the value then updates in the 'base' workspace.
Please see the example of where I'd like to start via the image.
Craig Saunders
Craig Saunders on 30 Jul 2018
Thank you Stephen, however, regardless of this being recommended or not - would you kindly provide an example of how this could be done? The input dialog is basic and id prefer to design the GUI myself.
Stephen23 on 30 Jul 2018
@Craig Saunders: the second link in my comment above has many examples.

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Answers (2)

Dennis on 30 Jul 2018
Here is an example how you can achieve what you asked for, however if you decribe what you want to do we probably come up with a better/safer/quicker solution.
function badidea(~,~,tf)
Craig Saunders
Craig Saunders on 30 Jul 2018
'Function definitions are not permitted in this context'.
Dennis on 30 Jul 2018
You are copy & pasting everything in command line? Either save and run it as script or save the function as badidea.m and run the other 2 lines.

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 30 Jul 2018
I agree with Stephen that it's not recommended. There are ways to share data. See the FAQ: https://matlab.wikia.com/wiki/FAQ#How_can_I_share_data_between_callback_functions_in_my_GUI.28s.29.3F
  1 Comment
Craig Saunders
Craig Saunders on 30 Jul 2018
Thanks for your response. My main task is to change values stored in the base workspace which are linked to a Simulink model. I want to run the Simulink model and update the values in order to show a difference within the simulation. Ideally I'd like the values to be adjusted using a slider which would demonstrate these differences.

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