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fdesign 'rational sample rate converter' rsrc sampling frequency

2 views (last 30 days)
Should the sampling frequency used in fdesign.rsrc be the sample rate of the original signal or the interpolated sampling rate? Or in other words, does input sample rate in filterBuilder refer to the sample rate of the original signal or the interpolated sampling rate?
The reason I am asking is that since I am going to apply the resulting FIR filter after interpolation has been performed and before decimation the input sample rate to the actual FIR filter will be the interpolated sampling rate, not the original sampling rate of the signal.

Answers (1)

Honglei Chen
Honglei Chen on 19 Sep 2018
I believe it's the sampling rate of the input signal to the filter, so in your case, I think it's the interpolated sampling rate.
  1 Comment
Urban Hakansson
Urban Hakansson on 19 Sep 2018
Thank you. I was thinking that was the case, but I was not 100% sure. I just needed confirmation.

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